Keira Knightley Recalls Initial Expectations for ‘Bend It Like Beckham’

Mar 17, 2023 05:41

Keira Knightley had incredibly low expectations for what eventually became one of her biggest hits: “I literally remember telling people I was doing it and it’s called ‘Bend It Like Beckham,’ and them going, ‘Oh that’s really embarrassing.'”
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) March 17, 2023
Knightley rose to ( Read more... )

keira knightley, film - comedy

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Comments 78

buries March 17 2023, 09:03:00 UTC
It's disappointing Parminder and Keira never played lovers in any movie because their chemistry was so great. I think I had a hard time knowing who to ship back in the day because everyone just had such fantastic chemistry.


izzzzy23 March 17 2023, 09:20:41 UTC
I love this film so much, I haven’t seen it recently because I think it would make me homesick lol. But it does such a great job of capturing the area it’s set in.


manu19 March 17 2023, 09:38:11 UTC
I remember back in the day i did not understand why the movie is called "Bend it" elsewhere and not "Kick it" like here. I was like why is she supposed to bend down for Beckham, is this movie about a groupie trying to have sex with him or something?


ambermoons March 17 2023, 09:57:27 UTC
Glad she doesn't regret it at least. It's one of my favorite movies ever and just objectively a fucking good movie. Parminder Nagra deserved a bigger career and be a big name and I'll always be mad about that!


babycheeses1 March 17 2023, 10:48:00 UTC
Should have been Parminder Nagra's breakout moment 😑


Also, damn was Jonathan Rhys Meyers beautiful in this movie.


sarahvma March 17 2023, 18:09:50 UTC
The scene where he turns around wearing the white button-down was seared into my teenage brain.


how_vintage March 20 2023, 01:59:11 UTC
What scene is that? Is it when he goes to visit her family?


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