Paris Hilton reveals she's frozen SEVEN embryos to have more children

Feb 23, 2023 20:59

Paris Hilton reveals she's frozen SEVEN embryos to have more children after welcoming her son
- Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) February 23, 2023
Paris Hilton, 42, already has 'seven'(all boys) more embryos in the hope of having more children ( Read more... )

feminism / social issues, pregnancy, paris hilton

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Comments 94

xeroxicide__ February 24 2023, 00:01:13 UTC
What happens when an implanted embryo doesn’t take? Im guessing they can’t try re-using it. So seven more women will not be necessarily carrying her child(ren) for her. I’m just trying to wrap my mind around wanting to potentially use a surrogate several more times.


tetrazzinichikn February 24 2023, 00:01:56 UTC
If it doesn’t take, it’s gone.


suckacowoff February 24 2023, 00:30:03 UTC
it's the same as if you were ovulating naturally - if it doesn't take you start your period as normal, as well as stop the meds.


ionadelfina February 24 2023, 01:38:02 UTC
It's basically a miscarriage. It's dead, there's no way to take it out and put it back in. Your body will absorb it naturally.


champagnexdream February 24 2023, 00:02:18 UTC
We tested 9 embryos total. 8 male, 2 female. Only 2 euploid (chromosomally normal), one boy and one girl. One is my daughter and hopefully the other will someday be my son.

Cannot imagine having 7


aesha February 24 2023, 04:56:30 UTC
I didn’t have to do ivf this time around and it’s been a decade or more since my failed attempts so I don’t remember… do you have the choice of finding out the embryos gender or do they tell you? Or is it that they have to do the testing and if you look at those results you’ll know?


champagnexdream February 24 2023, 13:57:49 UTC
Ah so glad you didn't have to do it again, it's a lotttt, as you know.

So yeah, they do PGT testing to test for the chromosomal normality but that test also tells you the sex. We had elected not to find out, but they accidentally told us one of the two euploid was male, so we opted to find out the other because it felt weird knowing one and not the other hah.


aesha February 24 2023, 14:33:21 UTC

Yeah me too. I live in a state where it is mostly covered by insurance, so I was prepared to, but started with IUI and that worked. Now I’m just a nervous wreck (as calm and detached as I try to be) for another few months. And then, years. Heh.

Now that you mention that I remember hearing that part, thank you. I had been planning to start IVF in November so had gone through some of the counseling and whatnot and remember they did mention that. I had NIPT testing at 11 weeks due to my age, and now it’s just a matter of remembering I don’t want to look at those test results. And hoping that at my level 2 scan next week everything still looks sufficiently blobby to me that I can’t see anything that tips me off. Heh.


goldenmeans February 24 2023, 00:02:19 UTC
I mean, I don't want to give birth, either. Which is why I don't have kids.


nurse_dre415 February 24 2023, 04:42:02 UTC
For real. I get bedridden from my period so I cannot imagine giving childbirth. No thanks I’m good. I’ll stick with my kitties and pups. They are cheaper too.


xdecadentx February 24 2023, 12:06:29 UTC


ohwutevernvm February 24 2023, 00:14:50 UTC
Legit gasp in horror


lillymoo February 24 2023, 00:16:57 UTC
I just had my second egg retrieval for IVF the other day. The first was a complete failure. They retrieved 8 and 6 were still alive and kicking yesterday. The next update won’t be until Sunday, though 😩

They say you lose about half of your embryos at every stage so I’ll be happy if I have two at the end.


bellwetherr February 24 2023, 01:34:07 UTC
good luck!! i had 16 eggs with my first retrieval and ended up with 4 embryos. i've only got 2 left, so fingers crossed one of these little fuckers takes


jf053456976 February 24 2023, 18:59:53 UTC
Ugh the wait is so brutal! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!


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