15 (5) Storylines And Scenes That Led To Folks Abandoning TV Shows They Previously Adored

Feb 21, 2023 16:37

"Any show that introduces clones (that's not about cloning per se) is out of ideas." https://t.co/b3AYemHLJV
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) February 21, 2023

1. "Gave up on Gotham and Alias with the clone storylines. Any show that introduces clones (that's not about cloning per se) is out of ideas. Shame, cause Gotham was pretty good."

2. "I quit watching The Walking Dead when Carl died, despite being one of my least favorite characters. Too much of a jump the shark after that."

3. "Scrubs. Season 9. If you know, you know."

4. "Honestly, I'm giving up on You right now. It's a show about a stalker and it's turned into a (as said on the show) 'whodunnit.'"

5. "This is likely going to be unpopular, but: The Red Wedding. Completely killed my enthusiasm for Game of Thrones, and I never watched it again. It just became clear that the show would be constantly elevating characters to protagonist/well-loved status and then killing them off. Like yes, the Sean Bean death in Season 1 was a great subversion, but if you just keep playing the same trick over and over to shock your viewers, then count me out I guess."

More at the source below or above.

ONTD, which storylines/scenes made you give up on a show?


the walking dead / ftwd (amc), television - nbc, you (netflix), gotham (fox), game of thrones (hbo), supernatural (cw)
