Marion Cotillard defends nepo baby Lily-Rose Depp

Feb 04, 2023 19:06

Marion Cotillard prend la défense de Lily-Rose Depp, critiquée pour être une «nepo baby»
- Europe 1 🎧🌍📻 (@Europe1) February 4, 2023

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european celebrities, french celebrities, nepotism, marion cotillard

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Comments 87

noodlecookie February 4 2023, 22:40:50 UTC
Marion, the internet's moved on already! You're making it worse!


filmstudent23 February 4 2023, 22:42:51 UTC
Marion has the most dumbass takes on pretty much everything. I’m surprised she didn’t took it that far and what she said was mild.
I’m feeling old cuz I used to stan her back when she got pregnant with Marcel. I can’t believe that kid is 11 now 😩


sarahbear1 February 4 2023, 23:52:55 UTC
Was that around the same time as that rumour about her and Brad Pitt?


vikingsmn February 5 2023, 01:24:12 UTC
Her second kid was born in 2017 and that movie with Pitt came out in 2016.


sarahbear1 February 5 2023, 01:49:05 UTC
Yeah i remember people trying to say it was BP’s baby.


moddchicc February 4 2023, 22:45:42 UTC
Man, I forgot all about Public Enemies. That movie was a snoozefest


pciam February 4 2023, 22:46:46 UTC
Absolutely 0 people are saying nepo babies can’t have talent. Of course many of them do. Pointing out someone is a nepo baby is just acknowledging that they’ve had a head start / connections that others don’t have. While others have to start at 0 (or in the negatives), nepo babies by nature start with a net positive. Doesn’t mean said nepo baby doesn’t have talent or drive or a strong work ethic.

Not that hard to understand.


mila_s_garden February 4 2023, 22:59:48 UTC
I guess they're defensive because deep down they doubt their alleged talent


cleanofslate February 5 2023, 01:37:28 UTC
yeah but lily rose depp arguably doesn't have talent. she looks like her mom bit that's about where it ends.


whatsyourtakeon February 5 2023, 01:42:42 UTC
It's so simple but the fact that so many of these nepo celebs struggle to grasp this is absolutely fascinating lol


kamikashi February 4 2023, 22:47:20 UTC
there are a ton of untalented white people that get multiple chances in their career sadly.

also doesnt she believe in conspiracy theories? that 9/11 and the moon landing were fake?


moddchicc February 4 2023, 22:52:00 UTC
"I think we're lied to about a number of things," she said, singling out September 11.

Referring to the two passenger jets flown into the World Trade Centre, Miss Cotillard said: "We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes, are they burned? There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours.

It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."

"Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don't believe all they tell me, that's for sure."


deerlike February 4 2023, 22:58:46 UTC
She's a nutter...


angela_arden February 4 2023, 23:19:48 UTC

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