Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston to Star in Body-Swap Comedy

Jan 29, 2023 20:15

Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston to Star in Body-Swap Comedy From ‘Palm Springs’ Director Max Barbakow https://t.co/XNkSFmGJFX
- Variety (@Variety) January 29, 2023
- Amazon has landed Roberts and Aniston for a Body-Swap Comedy from “Palm Springs” filmmaker Max Barbakow ( Read more... )

margot robbie, jennifer aniston, film - comedy, julia roberts

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Comments 111

pink_disco January 30 2023, 09:55:24 UTC
body swap comedies are the worst


__onthebound January 30 2023, 16:07:37 UTC
Your comment right below Tucker's


pink_disco January 30 2023, 16:47:37 UTC

... )


angriest_girl January 30 2023, 10:06:44 UTC
Well, I do love a body swap comedy (don’t @ me, I know I’m trash), but if it’s these two swapping that sounds really boring. One skinny rich lady swaps with another skinny rich lady?

I loved the Vince Vaughn one where he was a serial killer who swapped with a teenage girl (I know, I know, see above: trash), and I have a soft spot for the Zac Efron / Chandler one.


euraylie January 30 2023, 10:22:27 UTC
Exactly! What is the point of even swapping here?


skyler_white_yo January 30 2023, 10:45:05 UTC
I wanted to see the Vince Vaughn one, but don’t really like him. Maybe I’ll check it out.


weighty_ghost January 30 2023, 17:03:27 UTC
I don’t care for him either but I really enjoyed it


burntxtoashes January 30 2023, 10:13:14 UTC
I kind of love body swap comedies when they're done well (the Jamie + Lindsay Freaky Friday was fun, and 17 Again since I liked that it also had the time travel/de-ageing element).

Idk how this will work though - unless they're going to make them somehow have very different lives?


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poisoned_summer January 30 2023, 10:54:01 UTC
bodyswap comedies only work if the people doing the switching are extremely different

how is this going to work when julia is arial and jennifer is arial narrow


xdecadentx January 30 2023, 10:57:01 UTC
Right? What is the conflict here?


tanglespiders January 30 2023, 13:46:45 UTC
helvetica vs neue helvetica tbh


__onthebound January 30 2023, 16:09:02 UTC
Serif and Sans Serif


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