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Comments 233

yousaidlog December 26 2022, 15:55:52 UTC
Wow he is fucking repulsive in every way possible

And your music has always sucked ass, you absolute gremlin


caramelaffair December 26 2022, 19:01:06 UTC
His voice was so nasally and irritating too.


anterrabre December 26 2022, 15:55:58 UTC
All of this is stank and I fully expect his kids to be like "Who is you?" when they get older and go no contact. A father that can't be there for the important moments in their life is no father. These stank ass men keep having kids because they keep finding women with low self-esteem to fuck with and they expect the women to do all the heavy lifting while they pop in on Facetime. Nope.

I remember being a little kid and my mom getting off work early so she could go to my school assemblies where my class would be performing. She would always sit in the back and little me would see her from the stage, smiling. That was decades ago and we're no-contact now but I will always remember and love her for that. Kids know.


bossm December 26 2022, 18:06:34 UTC
Having such memories is so important. Good that you have them even if you don’t have any contact with your mother anymore.


notblakelively December 26 2022, 18:06:40 UTC
there's always a reason why people choose to sever contact with family, so i'm happy you two had those good memories before you prioritized your peace and health, bb.


fernandocolunga December 26 2022, 15:56:06 UTC
Good stuff
Womanistic even


green_monsterx December 26 2022, 15:57:19 UTC
I don’t even have the energy for all the things that I want to say in response to this


gillenvillain December 27 2022, 04:16:01 UTC
As a child of a fucking asshole sperm donor, this sounds just like him.


gillenvillain December 27 2022, 04:16:37 UTC
Except my asshole sperm donor never paid a cent in child support.


ferelden December 26 2022, 15:58:12 UTC
“ Why would you wanna take children all around the world with a man? That’s so womanistic."

Better get the ouija board out and let my dad know it was really womanistic of him to take me around the world when he went on business trips because he wanted me to see the world and have a better understanding of other cultures, foods, and peoples.

What a tool.


nigelwitthebrie December 26 2022, 16:21:27 UTC
You had a blessed childhood and an involved father…I envy you and I wish I grew up with a father who wasn’t so narcissistic.


ferelden December 26 2022, 16:24:22 UTC
I really really did. That fact isn’t lost on me!! My dad was my biggest cheerleader and he was always there for me! I was the luckiest girl in the world in that respect!! Not only was he involved but he genuinely liked me as a person. We fought all the time because we were SO alike but it was p good. I miss him a lot.

I’m sorry all dads aren’t like mine and it breaks my heart that all kids don’t get what I had because all kids deserve a parent like my dad.


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