Jennifer Aniston threw a Christmas party for 'non-thirsty' celebs and she wants us to know about it

Dec 15, 2022 12:36

Jennifer Aniston Had a Holiday Party for the 'Non-Thirsty' ‘Old Guard of Hollywood,’ Sorry Everyone Else
- Jezebel (@Jezebel) December 14, 2022
• Jennifer Aniston, who recently lamented that there are no real movie stars anymore, wants us to know that she threw a party and that everyone there was ( Read more... )

jennifer aniston

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Comments 106

xbenji65 December 16 2022, 00:47:31 UTC
nightmare blunt rotation


sapphiredragon December 16 2022, 00:47:59 UTC
Sounds very white and Gen X


melancolour December 16 2022, 01:21:10 UTC

sounds like white boomers to me


sapphiredragon December 16 2022, 01:38:33 UTC
Gen x is the new boomers :/


anutty1 December 16 2022, 20:39:43 UTC
As a Gen X'er, this breaks my heart. We're not all boomers lite!


emmagigisky December 16 2022, 00:50:01 UTC
She's so strange. How she supports Brad Pitt when he humiliated her in such a public way.


genbu_no_miko24 December 16 2022, 00:54:01 UTC
It's def her "fuck you" to Angelina. But Brad is no consolation prize either lol.


chllschse December 16 2022, 00:57:21 UTC
Maybe she doesn’t view it as humiliation? I don’t know. Maybe she believes that he didn’t cheat on her with Ang? Maybe she believes it’s just a coincidence that photos found them on a beach in Africa….lol. 😂😂


bttrsondaughter December 16 2022, 00:59:14 UTC
i mean Jen invited Gwyneth who once dismissively called her "that TV girl" when Jen first started dating Brad lol


archersangel December 16 2022, 00:50:25 UTC
Most of these people are has-beens or never made it off the D List.


pikapika217 December 16 2022, 00:52:51 UTC
Like why is David Spade there? LOL


sabrina54 December 16 2022, 01:01:14 UTC
Or the guy from The Mindy Project


you_hermit_crab December 16 2022, 01:16:17 UTC
If you mean Mark Duplass, it's because he's on The Morning Show with her.


lisafrank0cean December 16 2022, 00:50:27 UTC
she honestly doesn’t get dragged enough, every last person on that corny ass list is replaceable and i love to see it


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