Anti-vaxxer Not Getting that Disney-money

Nov 05, 2022 08:00

Rockmond Dunbar Loses "Disparate Impact" Claim In Lawsuit Against Disney Over ‘9-1-1’ Exit
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) November 5, 2022
- Rockmond Dunbar played ex-husband of Angela Bassett’s character and was written off in November for demanding medical - and when that didn't work - religious exemption ( Read more... )

men are weak, black celebrities, television - fox, covid-19, slow news day

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Comments 68

damaliaraya November 5 2022, 07:41:02 UTC
Uggggh. I hate when people act so stupid it forces me to acknowledge that Disney is in the right


inandoutofgrace November 5 2022, 07:52:33 UTC


allmylines November 5 2022, 08:32:30 UTC
more like rockmond DUMbar am i right?


manu19 November 5 2022, 08:41:13 UTC
10 other lawsuits? Even if he wins something, he’d still have to pay his lawyers. Idiot


zibbydoo324 November 5 2022, 12:59:02 UTC
Disney has 10 other suits not this guy. He’d either be the biggest scammer or the most hated man.


manu19 November 5 2022, 13:03:00 UTC
Aaah I read it as he sued them for another 10 things 😅


zibbydoo324 November 5 2022, 13:09:22 UTC
“Case closed. See you on Monday for round 7.”


skyler_white_yo November 5 2022, 08:57:41 UTC
Universal Wisdom sounds like a cult, but I have no desire to dig deeper to find out. However I have a feeling it’s somehow connected to Q.

In my area, some of the Q’s are on this thing called Sovereign Citizen, where they are not bound by any man made laws, only bound by the law of God. Apparently by claiming to be a sovereign citizen, you are automatically exempt from following any laws. You can drive without a license or insurance, you don’t have to pay taxes, etc., because Obama sold everyone into slavery and once you become an SC, you’ve freed yourself. These people are now finding out the hard way this isn’t true.


blahblah890 November 5 2022, 10:14:57 UTC
Sovereign Citizens have been around for a long time. I think there's a reality tv show about them.


skyler_white_yo November 5 2022, 10:26:58 UTC
Really? I guess it took a while to find their way to my neck of the woods.


dejatrue November 5 2022, 13:42:10 UTC
Yeah, my step grandfather has been claiming he’s a sovereign citizen since the nineties. Every couple years he wants to talk about some new will he’s drawn up for his crypto and gold or w/e but none of the grandkids expect to see a dime after the government sorts through his history of tax evasion and whatnot.


thatcovergirl November 5 2022, 09:18:58 UTC
Oh well.
Anti Vaxxers annoy me. I understand why some people are hesitant but like….. the reason we no longer die at 18 from a paper cut is because someone said “I’ll be a Guinea pig”

No Disney money for you, my guy. Just be jobless, then.


fnowae November 5 2022, 11:24:55 UTC

Jobless and jabless, just as Walt himself intended.


thatcovergirl November 5 2022, 15:38:11 UTC
Walt Disney was a racist, sexist, anti-Semite so I could never side with his intentions…


fnowae November 5 2022, 15:41:51 UTC

Ugh. I know. I couldn't think of any other good names that early in the morning, though.


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