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Comments 44

erasethisworld November 4 2022, 08:32:57 UTC
Love this so much, and pumped for Yungblud as this must have been a literal dream come true for him. I loved when they did I’m With You together https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PsPRqXCMcno


sadteenager November 4 2022, 15:45:21 UTC
honestly it boggles my mind that she's so idolized by some gen z people like... I always loved her but even as a teen I knew like... ok this is fun pop music with a lil edge and she has this edgy image whatever. but these people talk about her like she's some musical prodigy. I'm happy she's getting her flowers after being dismissed as a poser for so long but I think we might be overcorrecting... lol


glitterslugs November 4 2022, 19:10:30 UTC
I could understand based on her first two albums, but TBDT was a hot topic mess that should never be idolized. (Had bops tho)


sadteenager November 4 2022, 20:43:25 UTC
yeah her first two albums are pretty solid, especially from fresh eyes unclouded by the early 00's misogynistic bias. that being said, I stan TBDT. it was her main pop girl era and took her to a new level and I love the bubblegum vibes. honestly it was more my taste back then haha. a precursor to kesha!! but it was def out of left field and her image hasn't been the same since. she still makes some great, even some mature music, it's just usually on albums of mostly filler, many trying and failing to recapture the magic of "girlfriend"/TBDT. although as a stan I do appreciate self-titled that includes a mix of radio pop and more serious efforts. "goodbye lullaby" too. but I understand they're not for everyone.


autumn1234 November 4 2022, 11:13:16 UTC

lambinclouds November 4 2022, 12:09:38 UTC
Love this song tbh, I feel nostalgic.


vespertinev November 4 2022, 12:14:50 UTC
I can't with Avril writing the same songs she did when she was 15. It's so weird to me that people can go through years of life experiences and not have that be reflected in their art at all


peddlestools November 4 2022, 13:22:09 UTC
She's cashing in on emo nostalgia, and why not? It's a bit of fun


ginainabottle November 4 2022, 16:49:20 UTC
It tells you how much ONTD loves her bc when Taylor Swift does it (debatable) she's torn to shreds here lol I could never stand Avril so to me she sucked then and she sucks now.


rubie_dubidoux November 4 2022, 18:04:04 UTC
meh, she’s an entertainer, she knows what the people want - her last album was basically the Lyme Disease album and was a lot more somber & self-reflective and it was boring as hell


notthatinnocent November 4 2022, 12:17:55 UTC
I’m here for this team up, I have a soft spot for Yungblud and will always be an Avril stan. I wish he got the attention MGK did.


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