Happy Cat News = 59 cats saved

Sep 28, 2022 15:44

All 59 Cats Survive! Happy news from Ian!!!

The Ernest Hemingway House in Key West is dealing with Hurricane Ian's aftermath, but all 59 cats who live on the property are safe and sound. https://t.co/NnDdsTbNBS
- TMZ (@TMZ) September 28, 2022
The Ernest Hemingway House in Key West is dealing with Hurricane Ian's aftermath, but all 59 cats who live ( Read more... )

we were all rooting for you, meow meow meow

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Comments 79

wakeupem September 29 2022, 00:48:04 UTC
My cat Sofie is polycachtyl! She has the cutest little "thumbs".


elevatorshaker September 29 2022, 01:42:37 UTC

My sweet little Oedi boy had an extra toe on each paw. His front ones looked like boxing gloves and the back ones looked like tennis rackets.


wakeupem September 29 2022, 23:56:04 UTC
I had a cat named Oscar who also had extra toes and his looked like tennis rackets too! They were massive.


anterrabre September 29 2022, 02:17:57 UTC
My sweet kitty (may she RIP) had seven toes on her front paws and had that mitten action going on. I loved her lil toes.


anna_bea2 September 29 2022, 00:51:29 UTC

the tvs at my work play CNN so I've been seeing devastating footage of the hurricane all day :( I hope Florida ONTDers are doing okay.


teacupkittens September 29 2022, 00:51:39 UTC
How do you get 59 cats to live together peacefully?


elevatorshaker September 29 2022, 01:43:16 UTC

I think they were all born there, so if they grew up together, it's no problem.


fantasialopez September 29 2022, 00:55:13 UTC
Oh thank goodness the kitties and all of their toes are safe!

I have two cats, my boyfriend has one cat (we don't live together yet), but he's thinking of adopting a young cat from the same shelter where he got Dave. The potential new kitty is blind and I already love him and I hope my bf gets to adopt him soon. He's making an appointment to meet the new guy soon.


petecarl September 29 2022, 01:08:05 UTC
Ernest Hemingway choosing to be a Florida Man explains so much about him.


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