F1 Driver Alex Albon Suffers Complication After Surgery

Sep 12, 2022 12:11

An update on Alex Albon. #WeAreWilliams
- Williams Racing (@WilliamsRacing) September 12, 2022
F1 driver Alexander Albon pulled out of this weekend's Grand Prix at Monza after coming down with appendicitis (substituted with a great drive from Dutch driver Nyck De Vries ( Read more... )

formula 1, drive to survive (netflix), british celebrities, health problems

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Comments 42

just444 September 12 2022, 19:33:17 UTC
i was shocked when i read that earlier. Alex is so nice.


__onthebound September 12 2022, 19:37:46 UTC
i gasped. honestly. he seems like such a sweet person, he works so hard. he takes care of his family, he loves animals! it isn't an uncommon effect, but it's still scary. f1 is so physical, i hope he recovers and doesn't do singapore if he is unwell. i know lewis was struggling with lung issues and his long covid


just444 September 12 2022, 19:43:26 UTC
his girlfriend seems lovely! he always plays along with Brundle's bullshit! his contract tweet was legit funny!


__onthebound September 12 2022, 19:44:54 UTC
i lmao irl. he is so good natured! and albon's hair salon!


genbu_no_miko24 September 12 2022, 19:35:17 UTC
What a nightmare situation!! D:

Glad to see he's recovering!


satellite__eyes September 12 2022, 19:35:52 UTC
Oh wow, didn't hear about the complication. Hopefully he recovers well, at least he has time to rest.

Also - time to get Latifi the fuck outta F1.. screw is daddy's $$$, he's shite.


__onthebound September 12 2022, 19:44:21 UTC
one of my closest friends in ireland is as f1 obsessed as me (she's been a fan for longer, but i love having someone to share whatsapp voice messages about everything) is the one who sent me the link. i know there are a bunch of f1 fans! i didn't know about the complication before her message. i'm so glad he is okay, but it's so scary. my mum was a nurse anaesthetist and she said sometimes people have allergic reactions to the drugs and can have respiratory problems. i'm so glad he recovered, i hope he takes enough time. it's scary that someone in such great shape can have complications, my mum said it just happens sometimes. people don't necessarily know they won't react well bc they've never had the drugs before. f1 is so physical. i just need him to be okay, he seems like one of the best people


hallyujah September 12 2022, 19:47:41 UTC
Mte. So with De Vries coming in on NO notice and scoring a points finish, Latifi is NOW 21st IN A 20-DRIVER COMPETITION LMAOO!

He hasn't scored a top 10 in SIXTEEN attempts and De Vries comes in on short notice and gets 9th lolol.
Like I get it's his dream probably but he's just NEVER going to be F1-caliber (not even an insult, few are). He's still young and loaded, he doesn't need to humiliate himself in front of a global audience twice a month.


__onthebound September 12 2022, 20:07:30 UTC


It's about the price tag! He brings in that lavazzo € (it's such gross coffee)


sea_thoughts September 12 2022, 19:46:47 UTC
My God, imagine going in for a routine appendectomy and having to be put on life support. Glad he's improving.


wonky September 12 2022, 19:47:25 UTC
The way my heart dropped when I saw this news earlier. 😭 I hope he has an easy and speedy recovery now.

I don't know if he should race in Singapore, tbh. Take your time to mend, Alex! Health over racing!


__onthebound September 12 2022, 20:04:13 UTC
I did too! I didn't mean to post an ominous subject but it was already long enough


wonky September 12 2022, 22:01:50 UTC
Yeah, no worries! I saw it on Reddit first and I was like NOOO until I read the details. I hope it's smooth sailing for him from here, poor dude.


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