Ricky Martin testified in a court appearance Thursday, denying allegations that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with his nephew. The case is now dismissed.
https://t.co/sIugFsAs5E- Variety (@Variety)
July 21, 2022Ricky Martin's nephew, who'd accused the singer of sexual abuse, asked to have the case dismissed in a Puerto Rican court on
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Comments 129
Edit: I wrote mentally ill in quotes because I think it's a catchall term that's not specific and via research, trauma is shown to be a factor present in almost all the lives of people who deal with "mental illness." Also in my culture, it is not just mental, we capture the soul pain and the emotional and body issues that trauma and mental issues cause and correlate with; the interplay of all of those seems awfully simplified by the term mental illness, which it impacts everything in your life and your person.
"Let a thousand conspiracy theories bloom."--Chairman Mao
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