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Comments 64

emerald_soul July 18 2022, 00:44:51 UTC
This shit is still going?! I worked at Barnes and Noble when the first movie premiered and we got calls all night about the books. I really don't get the fascination...


silverstarry July 18 2022, 01:06:04 UTC
The books came out ages ago but Lifetime made movies of the first four books in 2014. Earlier this year they bought the rights to all of VC Andrews works so they finally decided to do an adaptation of the fifth book in the series (which is actually a prequel). They have plans to make movies of a bunch of her other books so be prepared for a lot more calls!

Objectively I know these books aren't high art but I read them in middle school so they have a major nostalgia factor for me. The original feature length movie of Flowers in the Attic (1987) was campy so I had hoped that if Lifetime didn't do a good adaptation of the series that it would at least be funny.


theylezharold July 18 2022, 07:41:38 UTC
Has anyone done a deep dive bio on vc Andrew and her seemingly very likely own CSA? I haven't been able to find anything that isn't all about her physical disabilities


silverstarry July 18 2022, 08:14:43 UTC
As far as I know, there's no proof that she was abused, mostly because she had what she felt was a very bad interview early in her career and then avoided publicity after that ( ... )


gloeden2 July 18 2022, 00:45:32 UTC

... )


piratesswoop July 18 2022, 17:31:29 UTC
molesley, NO 😂


anterrabre July 18 2022, 01:05:46 UTC
Damn, it's a legit tossup as to who is the worse male character. I mean, they're all terrible in different ways.


silverstarry July 18 2022, 01:06:48 UTC
Part of me wanted to list all of the things they have done because sometimes I forget how terrible each one of them was.


iluvpans July 18 2022, 03:43:37 UTC
I wish you had because I forgot a lot of the shit the guys did.


silverstarry July 18 2022, 06:33:35 UTC
FYI - I added the info in the comments below. Hopefully that will help you remember how awful they each were!


silverstarry July 18 2022, 01:11:17 UTC
Arden and Logan are pretty high on the list for me because they tried to play themselves off as being nice guys who loved their wives when in reality they were judgmental assholes who cheated and were total jerks. I just could not with Logan's slut shaming (meanwhile, it was fine for him to date Maisie while Heaven was gone). But Arden really takes the cake. He saw Audrina being raped, was too chicken shit to intervene, and then had the nerve to act like he didn't understand why she was so afraid on their wedding night. And of course he ~had~ to sleep with Vera because Audrina was too damaged to give him nonstop sex.


silverstarry July 18 2022, 01:13:55 UTC
Honorable mention goes to Paul who expected his childhood sweetheart to stay a virgin while he was off having sex at college, admitted that he proposed to her so that he could mark his territory/keep any other boys from trying to claim her, knew she had been molested by a relative and raped her repeatedly anyway, cheated on her with his subordinate employee, and then had the nerve to suggest that his mistress was a liar when she told him that she was pregnant.

And that was all before he, a 42 year old man, slept with his 17 year old adopted daughter.


crazyfreakyaj July 18 2022, 12:49:18 UTC
damn you're like my hero, i wish i knew this much about VC andrews characters


silverstarry July 18 2022, 21:37:24 UTC
Sometimes I wish I could pick and choose what information to retain in my memory. Maybe if I could move out some of the VC Andrews plots and random info (like the fact that I still remember my seventh grade boyfriend's birthday), I could have enough room to remember where I left my keys.


amacabea July 18 2022, 01:25:23 UTC
I voted for Malcolm but I wish I could vote for Arden, too!

[Spoiler (click to open)]
Phew. Poor Alicia. :( And the birth scene! For a moment there I thought I was watching The Handmaid Tales again!

Mrs. Steiner: But I've lived at Foxworth Hall my entire life.

Olivia: And now you don't.

... )


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