The social media embargo for The Time traveler's wife has been lifted and initial reviews are coming in and they are BAD
Rose Leslie and Theo James play a married couple with no chemistry who meet-weird when one person is a child. Entertainment Weekly (@EW)
May 11, 2022 Sure, The Time Traveler's Wife has lots of intriguing
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the premise is gross but what saved it in the movie was at least having charismatic actors and uh, not spending a lot of time on the whole "he met her when she was a child" thing comparatively
also rose leslie is a tory so...get fucked
It reminds me of time loop romance where one character got all the time in the world (due to the time loop) to learn a love interest's preferences and build a persona from them and that makes the love interest falls in love with the main character, but it's basically based on manipulation, even if the main character narratively didn't mean to do so (although I don't buy the didn't mean to excuse from the writer's POV)
but at least he fell for an adult, then later met her as a kid?
from her POV it's a lot more messy
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