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Comments 158

tucker March 28 2022, 05:01:53 UTC
The menz brought it tonight! Men's fashion is usually so boring but I loved a lot of their looks tonight

Especially Timmy, that's probably my favorite look a man has ever worn to the oscars

For the ladies I loved Emilia Jones and Jessica Chastain


tucker March 28 2022, 05:02:30 UTC
Why did Jay Ellis get an invite, is he involved with one of the nominated movies? Or was it just because he's so fine


veep_throat March 28 2022, 05:02:30 UTC

Lupita and kodi were my faves

Kinda hate love timothees. Think of Jared Leto which ew

Vanessa and Rachel look like revolve clothing purchases


meowmind March 28 2022, 05:02:31 UTC
idk if I’m reaching but kelly marie tran’s dress looks a bit like an ao dai dress and if that is intentional, how sweet


figgypud March 28 2022, 05:12:10 UTC
I don’t think you are, I know she did that for the Raya premiere and it really looks like it here too


figgypud March 28 2022, 05:17:49 UTC
I don’t know how to put Instagram stuff in a comment but you were right, the designer shared it:


meowmind March 28 2022, 05:24:18 UTC
Thank you for the research!! Once I saw she didn’t post anything, I gave up. What a gorgeous dress, and that color is stunning 💚


tucker March 28 2022, 05:03:49 UTC
I can't believe how much better Kevin Jonas looks in his thirties than in his twenties


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