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Comments 26

colorfilm March 11 2022, 08:17:27 UTC
title shouldve been real housewives of formula one 😤

havent started, im nervous/anxious about the 2022 season, the meme i saw about the testing is funny but im avoiding the f1 fandom. the f1 reddit is particularly awful.


colorfilm March 11 2022, 10:00:13 UTC
missed günther v much

horner remains a whiny bellend


shittysoup March 11 2022, 08:32:14 UTC
shittysoup March 12 2022, 03:42:51 UTC

vodkaveritas March 11 2022, 09:58:33 UTC
Two eps in :-)

I’ve never seen anyone own space in someone else’s head like Toto Wolff occupies Christian Horner's, if I was Geri I'd be concerned haha.

He's too much, always thought he was a shit stirrer and it was funny, but his behaviour towards Lewis goes way beyond sport rivalry.


__onthebound March 11 2022, 12:39:08 UTC
Toto is so good at the game, you don't realise you've been manipulated until after the fact. Christian is this red faced blustery man yelling in your face. His obsessions and how he stokes RB fans concerns me. The contrast of the two men is a lot!!!


__onthebound March 11 2022, 12:37:13 UTC
Saw the first 8min of 4x01 in between work duties. I will binge this evening. I can't wait.

I saw every episode of DtS and every race in 2021 and I still forgot all the changes between 20-21 until they counted them off

I wasn't expecting KMag to come back, I wonder how he will do?!


therearewords March 11 2022, 12:37:46 UTC
Just read that Max "doesn't care for this sensationalised excitement", so now I might watch it.


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