Dreamwidth has some links in order to import journal entries,
This is the DW community for us (by us)
https://ontd-ohnotheydidnt.dreamwidth.org/ Here is the link:
https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/importer this goes for LJ sites and InsaneJournal sites (girl idk the latter) when it comes to importing your information enter your LiveJournal username and password, not the DW username and password.
It will then take you to these options. If you want to important journal entries. When you select 'journal entries', the options of tags and 'custom security groups' will be automatically selected, you cannot unselect these and proceed with importing journal entries. You can also update icon keywords (tbh, I don't use these on LJ, so I'm not too familiar how it goes)
Make sure to confirm the settings and then the import with enter DW's queue. Attention: It's best you don't click 'Start Another Import" as it will stop the import in process, you can always initiate another one when the other is finished.
For some aspects, you may get failed status for some, just click 'Refresh' at that box.
Also, I'm still trying to familiarize myself with DW if needed, so if you know more and people will have questions for more than just importing journals, help a sista out, please.
Thanks to
petecarl for the following links to help imports and also why LJ is being a diva:
https://zelamorre.tumblr.com/post/159194449935/importing-your-lj-to-dreamwidth https://dw-maintenance.dreamwidth.org/