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Comments 21

j3 January 28 2022, 22:30:57 UTC
This was a horrible way for them all to end the season before the fashion week. I'm rooting for Shantall because I like how she's not afraid to challenge herself considering the crazy time constraints they're given. Her work always looks so polished and tailored except for this challenge where it looked heavy and sloppy. Nothing Kristina makes looks very comfortable. It looks like you could strangle yourself on all of those fabric twists and ties and dangly pieces. Coral's looked like it was made well but I'm bored with her macramé. I'm sorry but the top of her piece looked like cotton balls stuck on a hanging plant holder. I love Chasity as a person, but her designs are so dated.


frickinawesome7 January 29 2022, 02:22:14 UTC

blorpz January 29 2022, 02:28:34 UTC
last week soured me on shantall for some reason. feels like they are pushing for her to win. hopefully she shuts me up :)

rooting for kristina or coral!


moheetoe January 29 2022, 21:18:56 UTC
Coral has the most unique vision but my paisa doesn’t have the personality and that’s a huge thing.
Shantall Is the most rounded designer so I think she should win, she has good taste too.
I love Kristina’s clothes (I’d wear them) but it’s all too similar and too complicated.
Chasity is a hit or miss for me, some of her fabric choices are not very nice and I don’t think she has an edge/modern take…also I feel they give her more airtime this episode. Like when they asked her if she thought she was gonna be on the top 4? How come they didn’t ask the rest of the ladies?


kobewife1 January 29 2022, 22:46:51 UTC
Such a boring 😴 episode and overall lackluster looks from all 4 ladies. I have no favorite to win but if I lead to choose it would Chasity.


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