Nick and Priyanka Jonas baby girl born 12 weeks early

Jan 22, 2022 03:36

#PriyankaChopra and #NickJonas baby girl arrived 12 weeks before the due date; Report
- Pinkvilla (@pinkvilla) January 22, 2022

"Exclusive" info from a source (probably Nick and Priyanka's PR) has divulged some new information about the baby girl and surrogate:

-Their daughter arrived at 27 weeks at a Southern California hospital. The baby was originally due to be born in April

-This is the surrogate's 5th baby

-Nick and Priyanka had apparently been wanting to have a baby for awhile but their busy work schedules made it difficult

-The "source" says Priyanka doesn't have fertility issues but being 39 wasnt making it easier

"Priyanka doesn't have any fertility issues preventing her from having a baby, but she is 39 now so it's not getting any easier,' the source said.

'Their busy work schedules also mean that it's difficult for them to physically be together to conceive when she is ovulating, so some time ago they went down the surrogacy route.Priyanka had been trying to get her filming all done before the baby was due in April - but obviously this has completely thrown her plans"


12 weeks early is very premature. OP wishes good health and luck for the baby girl and the surrogate mother

jonas brothers, priyanka chopra, pregnancy
