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Comments 25

anterrabre December 3 2021, 19:19:40 UTC
That was so, so ugly last night; I was still thinking about it today. In fact, I think they cut a lot of it out because everyone looked upset and Cora was crying, begging them to stop. I more than side eye Aaron for that shit but I also blame all the group stuff (what, it's been three this season?) as well as the alcohol that was magically available after he stormed out. Poor Bones.


silverstarry December 3 2021, 19:38:05 UTC
I know that emotions can run high on competitive reality shows, especially during team challenges, but I was like wow, that escalated quickly. And that was just my reaction in the workroom when Aaron walked out.

When he kept going with it after they got home, I was like dude, you need to just stop drinking, stop talking, and go lie down before you say something you will regret. I wonder what they didn't air because I agree that everyone else looked upset (like beyond the normal "yikes, it is uncomfortable to watch these two people fight and we can't all just get up and leave").


adb7 December 3 2021, 19:50:07 UTC
I hated this episode. Aaron was out of line and was threatened by a young, black man having an idea that was better than his. Bones was right all along, course. Did Aaron really apologize? Did he give Bones credit for saving that stupid collar and their whole costume-y look?

Giving them the night off but still only one day for the challenge after a freaking car accident was terrible.


silverstarry December 3 2021, 19:54:19 UTC
When Christian said to take the rest of the day off, I was like huh, the producers are actually being kind after a traumatic incident. And then Christian said that they would have to do the entire challenge the next day and I was like OF COURSE.

I know the show has a budget but geez. I wonder what would be more stressful: trying to work right after being in a car accident or the stress of doing a two day challenge in one day.


corruptionoflol December 3 2021, 20:07:31 UTC
the contestants were in a car accident?? like in one of the vans that they're always shuttling reality show people in?


vibeology_e December 3 2021, 20:27:20 UTC
Yep. They were in a mini-bus that struck a piece of construction scaffolding while making a right turn. The window next to Anna smashed, glass got everywhere and she was cut in a few places.


silverstarry December 3 2021, 19:55:12 UTC
I expect to see ugly runway looks whenever there's an avant garde challenge and this episode did not disappoint.


adb7 December 3 2021, 20:37:47 UTC
some truly heinous looks lol


matsaurus December 3 2021, 20:12:07 UTC
When that hairy genitalia igloo thing's silhouette came up on the runway, I LOST it. That was full comedy I am laughing a little just thinking about it. Maybe it was just because the episode was so tense to see that big ass furry cupcake turn the corner and spread open just cracked me up.

But Chasity/Prajje's look was really cool and I liked the Coral/Zayden look as well. It might have just been the little tidbits they showed but I feel like a lot of their look was thanks to suggestions from Christian.


anterrabre December 3 2021, 20:34:48 UTC
My first thought upon seeing that was "What is this Hakuna Mattata shit?" I was really glad that lady was Christian-saved because she got fucked over bigtime; they didn't mind the fur coat she did but HATED the pink quilted inside the other woman did but she had immunity and they were the lowest scoring team.


vibeology_e December 3 2021, 20:16:24 UTC
Just awful to watch. Aaron was so out of line. He was just so unwilling to accept that a younger Black man might have a good idea because this was Aaron's "area of expertise" and then got even uglier when he was called out. And that he couldn't, in the light of day, step back and acknowledge his poor behaviour and apologize was gross. The way he came into the kitchen ready to talk work after the shit he pulled was awful. Just no accountability or responsibility for the harm he caused. Racist asshole ( ... )


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