Comedy Brought To You By Funny Wildlife

Nov 17, 2021 22:15

Because celebrity humans are often disappointing, I bring you Comedy Wildlife

The People have voted, and they didn’t agree with our judges!! And so the Affinity Peoples Choice Award for 2021 goes to JOHN SPEIRS.
Animal: Pigeon
Location: Oban, Scotland
One of you lucky voters will be receiving a fabulous iPad courtesy of @affinitybyserif @Read more... )

comedy / comedian, list, peta / animal rights, slow news day, poll

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Comments 65

chapter013 November 18 2021, 05:30:45 UTC
The mudskippers took the show for me, i keep going back to the photo.
the raccoon pulling some spider shit was both adorable and impressive so that's my second
the leaf on the pidgeon's head also got me and is such a mood
both of the bald eagle shots and the "ouch" one are such interesting shots, i'm impressed but ultimately feel bad for the animals so don't enjoy them in a humour based way.

I enjoyed this post a lot. It's a nice close to the night for me tbh, I'm going to get offline after this c: thank you op


kimda November 18 2021, 05:30:58 UTC
THE PIGEONNN LMAO but the mudskippers are also killing me 😂


new_peteland November 18 2021, 06:55:08 UTC
One time, I nipped out to the shop and there was a pigeon chilling in the road. I was like oh no, are you okay little baby? (I have a habit of running into birds in need of rescue) obviously the pigeon did not respond, but it also had its eyes closed and was in a deep plop… but, in the street where a car could run it over. So, I approached it and it did not flinch. I was concerned I had a dead or dying pigeon on my hands so, I did what any normal human being would do… I touched it. I gave it a little pet, still no response. I was the math lady meme as I tried to figure out how to rescue this beast without my gf being terrorised like she was when I rescued a baby seagull and brought it home in a box. And then, it opened its eyes. That little asshole was asleep. But, the look it gave me before it waddled off and flew away was priceless. So anyway, pigeons are funny.


xeroxicide__ November 18 2021, 07:50:48 UTC
Loool. Love the prairie dog’s lil arms.


yukimag November 18 2021, 08:10:35 UTC
I love this post and seeing funny pictures of animals is my favourite past-time at this point


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