"Fever Dream" Official Trailer

Sep 16, 2021 23:04

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A woman named Amanda lies stricken, far from home. A young boy named David questions her, trying to make her remember. She’s not his mother, he’s not her son. As her time is running out, he helps her unravel a powerful, haunting story of obsessive jealousy, an invisible danger, and the power of a mother’s love for her child ( Read more... )

adaptations, latino celebrities, netflix, television promo / stills

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Comments 18

ahkna September 16 2021, 16:39:59 UTC
oooh, this book has been on my to read list forever


walterwhiteh2o September 16 2021, 18:46:43 UTC
Read it! It's a quick read and it's really bizarre, but in a good way. I highly recommend it.


catd94 September 16 2021, 16:47:02 UTC
I had no idea this book was being adapted! I remember being into the book when I read it, so I'll probably watch this.


barbarbarian September 16 2021, 16:51:13 UTC
Yoooooooooooo!! I read this short novel earlier this year, and it fucked. me. UP!!

I can't wait to see this tbh because the source material strikes me as one of those narratives that would be extremely challenging to translate into film. But I'm optimistic.


catharsiskat September 16 2021, 16:51:25 UTC
I'm interested. I heard great things about the book but I could not follow it, so maybe watching the movie will help if I decide to try the book again.


felixfin September 16 2021, 16:57:58 UTC
Whaaaat!?!? I had no idea this was happening and am very excited! I read this as part of the ONTD book club this year and it has been one of my faves so far. I love the unsettling feeling it had, and how long it took me to figure out what was happening. I wonder how it will work as a movie though, as so much was internal dialogue.


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