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Comments 255

v_is_for_violet September 12 2021, 17:18:11 UTC
People really think they’re doing something when they’re like yeah hitler was an evil psychopath but ~actually~ Like no one is impressed by your ability to look beyond what Hitler did! Same goes for all these weirdo Stalin stans on Twitter


skyler_white_yo September 12 2021, 17:57:24 UTC
This trend (?) of well actually-ing the horrors of the Holocaust is pretty disturbing. It’s minimizing the atrocities and creating a shift in the historical narrative in the direction of hand waving it away. I fear in 20 years (or less), the story of the Nazis will be “yeah, they were bad, but…”


winx September 12 2021, 19:29:12 UTC
Exactly. This is how we get to a stage where students are told they’re overreacting when swastikas are painted on college campuses and they’re upset about it.
That stage happened yesterday at American University for anybody wondering


chase65 September 13 2021, 01:00:46 UTC
I would like to think you are wrong, but when I was growing up my thought and seemingly the prevailing thought was he represented evil and the worst of human kind and it was a given you didn't really talk about him as other than that or the holocaust or invoke it as casually as some seem to now. Especially not with the idea there was somehow a way to look past it to learn lessons other than to be on the lookout for people like him and stop them before they get started.

The same thing is happening with the "re-telling" of American slavery, with some black people like Ben Carson being the purveyors of the (disgusting) slavery was bad, but other countries had slaves so no big deal.

As we get farther away from the direct links to the Holocaust, as there are fewer and fewer survivors in the world, it becomes easier for some people to ignore these were atrocities against actual human beings.


chapter013 September 12 2021, 17:18:37 UTC
"he could have made a killing"
Really, you couldn't use a better sentence? Change a few words? The fuck.

I don't know these people and I'm glad I don't because if your hero is Hitler for any reason... Just no. There are far better examples of people who have gotten things done in productive and timely manner. One example is the many people who fought to save people from Hitler. But, no he wanted attention and what better way than to put fucking Hitler on a pedestal.

Tell me you're a Nazi while trying to pretend you just like that Hitler was productive. Sack of shit. He used that time to murder over 6 million people.


blowkissnotcoke September 12 2021, 17:22:32 UTC
Yeah, that almost felt like a "get it, killing?" joke. Fuck him.


breakitout_x September 12 2021, 17:18:48 UTC
Oh god


handsdowntoo September 12 2021, 17:18:52 UTC
Yikkkkkes. This is a big no for me.


stoppelhopser September 12 2021, 17:19:13 UTC
What kind of toxic trash is that guy? I'm german and this is the same argument as the one our grandmothers used: "Hitler did some good stuff, see the Autobahn...."

Fuck off!


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