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Comments 174

choukoumei August 24 2021, 23:23:47 UTC
I think at face value this is a nice message but I also wish she talked about how having money makes her more privileged in terms of "getting healthier." I mean she can hire a whole team of people to look after her health- chefs, trainers, nutritionists, etc. She can have her own private gyms and pools. Even someone who is "well off" by average terms does not have the resources she has.

I'm trying to get healthier (have way too much fatigue related to a few conditions I have) lately but my doctor specifically told me not to worry about my weight and just eat healthier, exercise, and take my meds. It's nice to have a doctor truly just want my health to be better (because yeah even doctors can be crap about women's weight.)


theflyers August 24 2021, 23:46:22 UTC
I'm so glad you have one of the good doctors <3

Sadly my great doctor retired and I moved out of the area anyways. I'm back to dealing with absolute asses when it comes to my weight. I even had a nurse unknowingly run her stupid mouth in a way that triggered a depressive state that leads to further binge eating and dangerously close to knocking on my old foe bulimia's door. All because she had to downplay that I had taken a couple pounds off and it gets in your head and you're like "yeah...only a couple pounds, what's the point, right?" BLAH! Medical professionals who can't be bothered to remember that you're talking to a human with emotions and many times our weight is a manifestation of deeper issues.

And my doctors are always fully aware that I have PCOS and it's known to lead to excess weight and hard to shed pounds. Still, no excuse. Just go ahead and skip some meals! [A friend's doctor not so long ago told her that..."you could stand to skip a couple meals." What...the...]


cleanofslate August 24 2021, 23:53:14 UTC
have you also been checked for a thyroid disorder, more specifically hashimoto's? i have pcos and hashimoto's. they tend to run together, like you're more likely to be affected by both though it is possible to not.


theflyers August 25 2021, 00:03:00 UTC
They always check my thyroid with my annual physicals to make sure. So I don't have any that I'm aware of. But I do know that they're often linked!

So far it's just the PCOS. I somehow managed to escape the excessive pain! My only symptoms are my stupid facial hair, previously sporadic periods {they evened out in my 20s} and my weight issues.

They have said that my depression may be somehow linked to my PCOS as well though. That was an interesting twist. The duel interaction between them of course makes that weight stay on as well.


mad_devilry August 24 2021, 23:25:39 UTC
Good for her. Losing weight is so hard.

The only time I did it was due to a bunch of external stressors and pretty restrictive consumption (not by choice).

I gave up on losing it because I hit a plateau I was okay with but COVID lockdown pushed me over that, and now I can't make it back down. :(


insomniachobs August 24 2021, 23:27:09 UTC
I don’t find it particularly interesting to see a fat person being active - it’s not notable unless you’re holding onto a lot of cultural bollocks that assumes fat = lazy and sedentary and uninterested in any movement, a lot of which is prompted by the media images we see which reinforce that stereotype. (She may have more personal context and reasons why she feels that applied to her, so I wouldn’t judge her or assume she’s making any broader statements than just about her own situation)


ems August 24 2021, 23:30:11 UTC

I am pretty tired of fat actors making their careers off the back of fat jokes and then losing weight and evangelising about how much better it is to be thin once they can afford personal chefs and trainers.


sarahbear1 August 24 2021, 23:35:21 UTC
I agree, your points are fair. But maybe she played the “make fun of the thing that other people will make fun of, so they aren’t laughing at you.” Kids are cruel and in any case she said she was using food as a coping mechanism, which is unhealthy. Having a healthier relationship with food is a good thing.


ems August 24 2021, 23:39:29 UTC

Kids are cruel and fat jokes like the ones in Rebel Wilson movies making their lives harder. I have empathy for any woman struggling with their weight but it's just a bit galling for her to spend years arming fatphobes with material, berating her past self (and thereby other fat people) and not acknowledging the immense privilege that has helped her lose weight.


hwb_bish August 25 2021, 00:07:20 UTC
I agree with this!

For the movie Bachelorette she was asked about how the fatphobia in the film made her feel and I found her quote.

“Also as a comedian, I think, well, obviously I am overweight, and sometimes you have to use what you’ve got. Like if you’ve got a big nose and there’s a character with a big nose, you’re like, “Why not?”

So what I get from this is the only roles she was getting offered always included her weight as the main focus in the character and she just had to deal “come to terms with it” But now that she’s thinner she’s finally comfortable in saying she was an unhappy fat and and can talk shit about her “unhealthy lifestyle”

It rubs me the wrong way, I see so many people who have lost weight and they immediately turn fatphobic and it’s sad.


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