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Comments 264

ferelden August 13 2021, 19:04:23 UTC
I have very thick, naturally straight, fine hair so I wash my hair once or twice a week depending on how dirty it is. I really hate washing my hair because it takes 400 years to dry and I don’t use a blow dryer because I hate them.

Any recs or tips for hair like mine? I’m always willing to try something new!!


euraylie August 13 2021, 19:08:17 UTC
I have the same hair type, but unfortunately it does get greasy very quick. I used to wash it every day, then got it down to every second day...now it's like every third or fourth (only because I'm working from home. (in those in between days Batiste dry shampoo is fantastic)
And yes, my hair will barely dry without a blow dryer...but I love using it; it comforts me somehow lol.


ferelden August 13 2021, 19:14:38 UTC
Lmao the struggle!! I just dislike washing my hair because it takes forever to dry. Honestly, sometimes I get lazy enough to run to my local salon and have them do a super thorough wash. My hair stays cleaner for a little longer too! Also the scalp massage is the best.

I just wash my hair and throw it in an old t shirt until it’s mostly dry then wear it down that night and pray it’s dry by the morning. Hahahaha.


mathkills August 13 2021, 19:57:46 UTC
the salon scalp massage is one of life's greatest pleasures


notoriousreign August 13 2021, 19:04:48 UTC


peachypearl August 13 2021, 19:05:11 UTC
What the fuck is going on. Is there one journalist with a fear of hygiene that keeps asking people the same questions or what??

They cannot possibly all WANT to talk about this.


missjersey August 13 2021, 19:06:37 UTC
Seriously it's time to stop. I don't need to know any of this information about anyone unless they live with me


spacemonkey_699 August 14 2021, 02:48:23 UTC
It's all leading to a Ronan Farrowesque exposé tbh


euraylie August 13 2021, 19:05:13 UTC
He does not ‘get’ haircuts in the way most people get haircuts ....Haircuts simply happen to him


And yes, his hair always looks greasy.


archersangel August 13 2021, 22:07:03 UTC
What hes he mean by that? Do hairstylists on TV shows/movies just randomly cut it? Do his friends say; "Dude, time for a haircut!" and then he goes to get it done?


aliceofclubs August 14 2021, 05:10:52 UTC
I imagine for shoots or for shows the stylists probably wash and style it which may involve a snip here and there

v strange imo, but i guess there are worse things


sarahbear1 August 13 2021, 19:05:46 UTC
There was a whole 'no shampoo' movement I tagged along with like 20 years ago or so, but eventually I went back to shampoo.
I know someone who doesn't wash her hair, it's chin length, always looked fine and she also smelled perfectly clean, so works for her I guess!


callonme_84 August 13 2021, 19:07:45 UTC
I don’t use shampoo


sarahbear1 August 13 2021, 19:09:52 UTC
do you use any cleaning agent? I've heard apple cider vinegar rinses are pretty good.


callonme_84 August 13 2021, 19:41:31 UTC
Yeah I have whooole process and a “shampoo” for curly hair …so I guess I meant traditional shampoo


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