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Comments 147

spiral_mystik July 23 2021, 03:45:00 UTC
Well, I've been pronouncing her name right all along!

But she's right. Who cares if that makes people uncomfortable? Her name shouldn't be butchered because they're too lazy to learn it.
It reminds me of the reporter who told Quvenzhané that he was gonna call her Annie because he couldn't learn her name. FOH! You make the effort to learn how to pronounce "Saoirse Ronan".


la_loony July 23 2021, 09:32:40 UTC
He could've just called her Miss Wallis, what a dick.


snortingcoke July 23 2021, 10:58:57 UTC
ngl i still pronounce it as sayorsay


blackbritt4eva July 23 2021, 15:12:01 UTC
I have no idea how to pronounce Saoirse

But I will make sure I know how to pronounce Maitreyi correctly.


steph313 July 23 2021, 03:45:11 UTC
My husband's last name is difficult to pronounce and nothing close to phonetic. I've watched him so many times not even bother to correct people because it's not worth the time. I always do, but that's because I don't have to deal with it the way he has his whole life.

But he told me once he always found the people who took the time to ask and really try to pronounce to be the most lovely and respectful people. There's apparently just something about someone who wants to get your name right that they'll make an effort.

It's why I always make a point to make sure I'm saying someone's name correctly if I'm not sure.


semalina July 23 2021, 03:45:14 UTC
as an american with a "foreign" sounding name, i relate and agree heavily with this. if you're not sure - please ask!! or at least try, i can't tell you how far it goes to have people try to say my name, even incorrectly. it's infinitely better than experiencing someone - in real time!! - stumble on how to pronounce your name, pause and hear them think of how they can alter their intended words in an effort to avoid saying your name


holyfrijoles_2 July 23 2021, 03:45:31 UTC
Honestly I have a similarly ethnic name and explaining it to people can be exhausting. I love that she’s saying this at such a young age because I did not have the confidence to say something like this at 19.


imnotasquirrel July 23 2021, 03:47:19 UTC
And constantly I get people saying, ‘Oh, you don’t even know how to say your own name right.’ It’s like, ‘No, no, no, I do. I do know how to say my own name right.


i have a korean first name and prefer that non-koreans use the westernized pronunciation - not a nickname, just a pronunciation, think notre dame vs noder dayme - bc i can't stand hearing the korean pronunciation butchered, it's like nails on a chalkboard. you wouldn't believe how many people get downright offended and feel entitled to using the "right" (i.e. korean pronunciation) bc, idk, they fancy themselves as sophisticated ppl of the world who are obsessed with ~authentic 'ethnic' culture. and they're pissed that i don't want to hear them butcher my name for authenticity points.


euraylie July 23 2021, 04:34:44 UTC
I didn’t realize Americans pronounced it Noder Dayme until a few years ago and….wow I didn’t know what they were talking about

I let people pronounce my name in either the American or British way (it’s slightly different) instead of correcting them because it would just lead to too much straining lol …and it’s not even a difficult name!


imnotasquirrel July 23 2021, 04:54:12 UTC
lol i used to use the french pronunciation when referring to the school bc i had taken french in high school and i was going to use the ~CORRECT pronunciation dammit!! but then i was like, okay, considering even school reps/administration/etc. refer to the school as noder dayme i probably just sound like a pretentious dillweed.


anolinde July 23 2021, 21:20:15 UTC
Hahaha love the phrase "pretentious dillweed."


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