Selena Gomez calls out Facebook for allowing COVID vaccine misinformation...again

Jul 21, 2021 20:30

Selena Gomez is back on Twitter calling out Facebook and Instagram for continuing to allow COVID vaccine misinformation on the platforms. This comes several days after President Biden stated that Facebook is harming people by allowing misinformation to spread on the platform.

In December I asked @Facebook and @Instagram to take action on lies ( Read more... )

facebook, covid-19, selena gomez

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Comments 53

sestiere July 22 2021, 02:14:56 UTC
a website started by a bored, horny and lonely college kid causing worldwide mayhem and having way too much fucking influence in society.. I hate this world lol


missjersey July 22 2021, 02:22:38 UTC
I feel like it'd be pretty easy to block misinformation about COVID/the vaccine but rich men prove they don't give a single shit or fuck.


spoil July 22 2021, 02:25:15 UTC
I’m aiding in a little side project on anti vaccine/mask sentiment for a professor’s book research and facebook is an absolute breeding ground for misinformation about pretty much everything imaginable. We’re living in a world where people believe their skepticism of universal and proven truths makes them intellectually superior beings because they’re ~asking the tough questions~ and want to do their ~research~. Even though their research is just sharing information they already agree with 🤦🏻‍♀️


partyonyourhead July 22 2021, 02:28:25 UTC
I see it on Instagram and Twitter too, but Facebook just takes it to a whole other level. I don't want to say it's because of the higher percentage of older users but...


euraylie July 22 2021, 03:44:32 UTC
It totally is. People 60+ who believe because it’s on the internet it has to be true.


piratesswoop July 22 2021, 04:09:30 UTC
i joined a facebook group recently called "i'm high and these are conspiracy theories" thinking was a group where people just vibe and talk about weird shit but no, it's legitimately people who are unashamed to admit they think the earth is flat or that animal planet mermaid documentary is real or sandy hook was fake or wayfair/adrenochrome harvesting is real or that covid or the vaccine or both are population control. it's extremely disheartening to see how easily this shit is spread. and they get really mad when you approach with any fact checking or simple debunking of their nonsense.

i saw a post, i think from scibabe, that said something like automatically believing the opposite of what any authority tells you does not make you enlightened, intelligent or a free thinker the way so many people love to act like it does, and that group is a perfect example.


mayjailer July 22 2021, 02:28:04 UTC
i really love that she does this kind of stuff


starsaregas July 22 2021, 02:35:12 UTC
I can't deal with the comment sections of any local news posts about COVID. It's filled with idiots talking about how the vaccines cause death and how their freedom is being infringed. It's depressing and aggravating.


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