Britney Spears to Those Who Criticize Her Dancing Videos: Kiss My A**, Eat S*** and Step on Legos

Jul 17, 2021 13:20

Britney Spears has a message to those who criticize her dancing videos that she uploads on her Instagram account.

It appears that since her last court hearing the pop star has gained more control of her social media and is lashing out on haters and her own family.

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#freebritney, britney spears

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Comments 143

jime22 July 18 2021, 01:35:26 UTC
Unfiltered Britney is a riot


iznanassi July 18 2021, 01:55:45 UTC
Shes like the reverse Karen, like that white lady that goes tf off on a racist


richyrich909 July 18 2021, 02:01:26 UTC
Well Britney did actually go off on a racist and had to be restrained by her security and he was the one they were talking about. 😂


penelopetaynt July 18 2021, 02:07:07 UTC
Ugh I loved that moment… she went off for her security who’s already protecting her. She’s toooooo damn precious.


genbu_no_miko24 July 18 2021, 01:35:36 UTC
fucking finally this post!!!

look I'm not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think 🚫🙅🏼‍♀ 🚫!!!! I've done that for the past 13 years ... I'd much rather share videos YES from my living room instead of onstage in Vegas

GO AWWWWFFFFF BRITNEY!!! Lol I wonder how some of the #freebritney support will react cause some lowkey want the confessional album!!

" which I didn't mind but it would have been nice to be able to go to the mother fucking spa 💆🏼‍♀🤭🧖🏼‍♀ !!!!

I can't wait for her to get her SPA DAYS!! I remember her mentioning that a lot when the she announced the first residency!


"I didn't like the way the documentaries bring up humiliating moments from the past ... I'm way past all that and have been for a long time !!!! And for women who say it's weird the way I still have hope for fairy tales ... go fuck yourself 🖕🏼 "Tell it Britney!! I've been saying that she doesn't like to dwell on the past and move on! Tell the girlies to ( ... )


juanitatequila July 18 2021, 01:38:02 UTC
i LOVE that she addressed the documentary and how it was glorifying her humiliating moments from her past. yes they brought awareness to her issue but at the end of the day those documentaries were still exploitive and done without her consent


genbu_no_miko24 July 18 2021, 01:40:01 UTC
YEP!! I remember watching the For the Record doc and I remember Britney being kinda upfront that she DOES NOT like to dwell on the past and likes to move forward and overcome!

I can totally get her not liking the recent docu that brings up hurtful/uncomfortable times for the whole world to see AGAIN!


jesuisjuan July 18 2021, 02:38:01 UTC
Her comment on pity resonates with me on For the Record. Like, I don't want it, I don't need it. I can see her not liking that shit at all. She is so above that and has gone through shit. It's about looking at her strengths because she is tough as shit. I really think Jamie's team is freaking out because she is getting loud and seems to empowered. I love it and wish her well.


madhler July 18 2021, 01:36:04 UTC
The note about Jamie Lynn is interesting because I’m pretty sure the performance she’s referring to was a tribute to her - like a medley of her songs performed by a bunch of different singers.


genbu_no_miko24 July 18 2021, 01:38:16 UTC
That wasn't too long ago right? maybe like 2-3 years ago because I think I remember seeing a video of Jamie Lynn singing one of Britney's song at some small venue.


madhler July 18 2021, 01:42:10 UTC
I can’t figure out how to embed in mobile but think it’s this one from the 2017 radio Disney awards:


penelopetaynt July 18 2021, 02:08:12 UTC
That was such a horrible tribute but nothing beats the MTV one for the video vanguard award.


dnttllhrry July 18 2021, 01:38:47 UTC
I know that’s the fuck right!!


mary_pickforded July 18 2021, 01:39:22 UTC
tbh I really like that her Instagram isn't curated and perfect. She just posts whatever shit she wants instead of editing everything to within an inch of her life and doesn't give a shit if it's consistent or ~perfect.


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