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Comments 122

kimda July 7 2021, 23:58:29 UTC
For whatever reason, she bothers me, but this is really nice.


missjersey July 7 2021, 23:59:40 UTC
Omg so cute!!

NGL I can't wait to own a home so I can adopt a senior dog. I love how lazy old dogs are lol, and they just want to take their time. Figure you can give them comfort in their twilight years and you'll get all their love. Win/win!


purpleyamjam July 8 2021, 00:00:18 UTC
aw this is really sweet. i love a good adoption story, esp when it comes to senior animals ❤️

also oblig adopt don't shop. it's really not that hard to find the right pet for you in a shelter or a rescue, even if you're looking for particular breed. just do the work and research tbh


elevatorshaker July 8 2021, 02:56:53 UTC
It drives me crazy how much people will say the dumbest shit to try and justify buying an animal. Just don’t fucking do it.


my_moloko July 8 2021, 00:02:25 UTC
Ohhh, I love this. Senior dogs need love too! It breaks my heart when I see people giving up their senior dogs. How can they be so cruel?

On a related note, a friend of mine's cat died and she ended up adopting a senior cat and the cat is soooo affectionate with her. Senior pets just want love.


helyanwe89 July 8 2021, 02:23:13 UTC
I do not get how you can give up your pet because they're older. I have an 18 year old cat, we got her when she was 3. For 15 years this has been her home & I know I will be a mess when she dies.


loveology101 July 8 2021, 13:33:51 UTC
my stepmom tried to euthanize her senior cat (16-17 years old I think) and the vet straight up said no.. the cat isn't sick he's just old. When I tell you MY FACE!!! My jaw was on the floor, like, just love the old man.


cecilia_tallis July 8 2021, 15:55:29 UTC
I don’t know how vets do that job. My emotions would get the best of me and I’d probably try to euthanize neglectful pet owners “accidentally”


starsaregas July 8 2021, 00:05:10 UTC
He looks like such a sweetie pie ❤️


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