Because you're never really free.... 'Supernatural' Finale deleted scenes leak online.

May 21, 2021 17:21

Sam and Dean toast to the ones they lost.

Deleted #Supernatural scene from 5x19. Dean & Sam toast to Jack, Castiel, and loved ones they've lost.
- Walker Updates ⭐ (@cwwalkersource) May 21, 2021

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television - cw, jared padalecki, jensen ackles, supernatural (cw)

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Comments 71

sibylblack May 22 2021, 07:50:46 UTC
It's incredible how amazing he looks when he's wearing a simple white t-shirt. He's so handsome.


xorogueox May 22 2021, 16:13:01 UTC
Man, Im not super into dudes, but he’s really one of the most attractive men I’ve seen.


deansgirl4eva May 22 2021, 03:00:02 UTC
Finale? I don't know her


crazyfreakyaj May 22 2021, 06:24:45 UTC
does your screenname refer to dean winchester or dean forester?


meadowphoenix May 22 2021, 10:22:55 UTC
this question is so trolly, omg


deansgirl4eva May 23 2021, 03:54:33 UTC


potter_lover456 May 22 2021, 03:28:17 UTC
It's been six months since the finale and I'm still blown away by how bad it was. They had back to back Carry on Wayward Son songs, in their entirety and one was a weird Evanescence-like cover. Who does that???

Dabb is a terrible writer and I feel bad for Doom Patrol fans if that's still happening.


quirkyblah38 May 22 2021, 04:36:03 UTC
wait, Dabb's working on Doom Patrol? sheeeeit.


potter_lover456 May 22 2021, 05:46:06 UTC
I sweaaaaar I remember it being announced that he was going to it after Supernatural but apparently I'm making up memories (I can see the article in my head and everything!). Jeremy Carver, a writer from older seasons did go there for a time iirc.

Apparently he's working on the Resident Evil show which is still listed as in preproduction on IMDb.

Edit: I found the original ONTD post for it and there's no mention of Doom Patrol anywhere in there.

RIP my brain, just making shit up.


quirkyblah38 May 22 2021, 05:51:35 UTC
I know that Jeremy Carver (or whatever his name is) has a big role with it like writer or producer or whatever so maybe that's where you got your lines crossed


prettybydesigns May 22 2021, 03:53:27 UTC
I still love how people were absolutely seething about the finale lmao


deansgirl4eva May 22 2021, 04:20:47 UTC
I hadn't watched the last 3 seasons of SPN but had jumped on to watch the final 7 episodes when they aired because nostalgia, and I was like "wait, wtf is this??" @ the finale (and high-key sobbing because see my username lmfao), which fueled me that same night to start rewatching the entire series.

3 months later of non-stop watching all 15 seasons (#pandemiclife) and I finally watched the finale a 2nd time in its full context, and I was even more livid at that bullshit ending lmfao.


quirkyblah38 May 22 2021, 04:34:53 UTC

this show has taken so much from me, i'm over it. i mean, i'm not, but i am.

on a similar note, I absolutely hated the Prodigal Son finale. They better bring it back!!!!


crazyfreakyaj May 22 2021, 06:26:18 UTC
omg justice for FUCKING CROWLEY is right
my fav character and just disappeared with no fucking real send off
barely mentioned ever again, maybe once by rowena?


quirkyblah38 May 22 2021, 06:57:00 UTC
holy shit where the fuck have you been lmao i've been complaining about them killing off crowley in every supernatural post since lol


crazyfreakyaj May 23 2021, 05:06:32 UTC
sorry friend. I am a late adopter to Supernatural so I haven't been in a position to enter posts until a few months ago (in order to avoid spoilers). crowley is legit my fav character in supernatural and I was just so distressed that he just... vanished... nbd.


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