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Comments 98

richyrich909 May 16 2021, 01:18:31 UTC
This is all…. Just so sad. I know some of these are lighting since that can definitely make you appear shades lighter if you’re a poc, but some of these…😞


whysogayprop8 May 19 2021, 02:43:40 UTC
Most of these women seem to only look darker because of the make up quality and whatever the role they were portraying where they made them look darker on purpose.

A lot of people naturally get lighter as they get older because of not being outdoors/in the sun as much. The sun is powerful.

That very last lady I dunno tho. But her picture when she was younger is def because of the make up lighting.

That’s not to say that they aren’t staying out of the sun on purpose, but I don’t believe these are a result of skin lightening creams or shots/pills


indieheadphones May 16 2021, 01:24:05 UTC

Especially with Deepika you can see the transitional period where her skin just looks sickly and sallow from the injections. Fucking depressing.


whysogayprop8 May 19 2021, 02:48:25 UTC
These pics are all over the place for her and you can tell its make up and lighting, especially the one where she’s in the studio with their lights.

And then they say it’s temporary because her regular skin color came back?

I read up on the shots/pills and they say your skin color doesn’t revert back when you stop, just that you stop getting lighter.

What is the truth?


jumelles_mach6 May 16 2021, 01:27:50 UTC
I'm surprised at the Rekha one because she seems like such a traditional person.

I didn't even know you could get skin lightening injections. That sounds extreme and dangerous. I hate that there's so much colorism in communities of color.

Has India gotten any better about this beauty standard?


rabbittail7 May 16 2021, 06:07:23 UTC
No, they’ve now turned to Ukrainian and Russian models, esp those who have darker, ambiguous features that can pass for Indian 😒


anterrabre May 16 2021, 01:31:16 UTC
The fact that these are pretty amazing looking women to begin with makes me so sad they felt the need to change it.


spacehero May 16 2021, 01:34:13 UTC
I can relate to Kajol's quote. I am half Filipina and when I was a kid I spent so much time outdoors and was very tan. I grew up in the 90s and once I found the internet I stopped going outside that much and became pale. And now I'm obsessed with protecting at least my face and hands from the sun with SPF. 😅


genbu_no_miko24 May 16 2021, 02:14:23 UTC
Yeah same. I was outside all the time as a kid so I was def tanner than I am now. Lol I had a bit of an identity crisis at one point cause I thought that tan was naturale~


mhfromnh May 16 2021, 03:04:19 UTC
SPF is everyone's friend. serums are nice, creams are lovely, but sunscreen prevents cancer.


rainstormraider May 16 2021, 04:30:28 UTC
Yeah, I kinda believe that too.
Having played sports all through high school without sun protection I can attest to having my skin colour lightening over the years.

I’m sure these ladies had the money for all this but I didn’t and yet my skin colour changes depending on the season still.


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