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Comments 13

a_files06 May 5 2021, 21:28:54 UTC
Meghan... even when she's putting down her own people she's still over the top. "YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY JOY WITH HOW THE REPUBLICANS ARE DRIVING US INTO THE GROUND!!!!!"


slayer4915 May 6 2021, 00:18:28 UTC
She has zero chill on any topic. But at least today she was speaking some truth. I still cannot believe Republicans continue to hitch their wagon to #CheetoJesus and are cannibalizing their own party over it. I don’t know how much damage it will ultimately do within, since they remain the “fall in line” party, and even the Cheneys and Romneys of the world will bend when it matters most. But if this does actually cost Republicans during midterms and they STILL chart this course, that party is toast.


frickinawesome7 May 5 2021, 21:28:57 UTC

skyler_white_yo May 5 2021, 21:29:42 UTC
I hate that I live in a world where Liz fucking Cheney seems sane.


inkstainedlips May 5 2021, 21:38:07 UTC
Meghan's rant about the gop worshiping Cheeto Jesus made me lol


picturemegone May 5 2021, 21:41:27 UTC

Retired Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher-who was acquitted of murdering a 17-year-old ISIS prisoner in 2017-has admitted to deliberately killing the unarmed soldier https://t.co/L2M63ZAliQ
- The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) May 5, 2021


angriest_girl May 6 2021, 03:18:21 UTC
Are we surprised?


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