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Comments 12

fromyourashes April 21 2021, 23:20:25 UTC
things i never want to see again: derek chauvin's fucking face. i'm shocked by how seeing his face on here made my stomach drop and my face heat up. didn't realize how very much i'd like to personally put him in the grave until this moment, which is weird since he was found guilty. i guess it's probably bc it doesn't mean shit. cops are still gonna kill. people are still going to be murdered. and this asshole will eventually get out and be just fine.


lillymoo April 21 2021, 23:24:50 UTC
A black man was killed by a police officer where I live in NC this morning and things are starting to heat up with crowds gathering downtown. I just hope everyone there stays safe.


sleepofplagues April 22 2021, 01:09:39 UTC
Near the coast? ☹️ Just saw it on the news.


lillymoo April 22 2021, 01:57:57 UTC
Yeah. Elizabeth City. 😔


mhfromnh April 21 2021, 23:29:42 UTC
it's now been three months in twitter-jail for me, awaiting an appeal on a reported tweet where I called Piers Morgan a bawbag. do I cave?


syntheses April 22 2021, 01:12:35 UTC
I don't know if I can even find it relieving. My heart aches for how far we had to go for a single conviction and how many go on without anything resembling accountability and justice.


mangosmuggler April 22 2021, 16:29:10 UTC
I noticed and thought it was absurd that Chauvin and his attorney were twinning when the verdict was read 😂🙄 they were both wearing gray suits, white shirts, and blue ties.

He was reacting so strangely- he was re-enacting when Winona Ryder was on stage at an event and was looking around wildly 😂


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