Eva Mendes sparks parenting debate after sharing quote about spanking

Apr 21, 2021 17:55

Eva Mendes sparks parenting debate after sharing quote about spanking https://t.co/z5j0kImB90 pic.twitter.com/qcFRT5DJ61
- Page Six (@PageSix) April 21, 2021
Mendes sparked a heated parenting debate when she shared a quote comparing spanking children to abusive marriages ( Read more... )

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Comments 301

just444 April 21 2021, 16:04:19 UTC
she is right


lipsticktraces April 21 2021, 16:04:41 UTC
I used to think it was not such a big deal when I was younger, but definitely change and grow. I don’t have kids, but I can’t even imagine hitting a pet. Positive reinforcement all the way, and it’s okay to admit you were wrong imo. There’s no reason to try and teach things through pain and fear.


theactualworst April 21 2021, 16:22:41 UTC
Yeah my nephew is in a stage where he hits his sister (they're toddlers) and I was like, "Would you like it if I hit you? No. So do not hit your sister." I know that's a common tactic but then imagine turning around and spanking them when you're mad.


kjesta April 21 2021, 16:26:49 UTC
exactly! you just undermine yourself bc you teach your kid that is IS okay to hit other ppl.


talklikelions April 21 2021, 19:56:05 UTC

But only when adults do it to children! Which teaches really great skills about bodily autonomy and abuse. 😡


mary_pickforded April 21 2021, 16:05:08 UTC
She's right. We learn so many shitty things as kids that transfer into terrible things when we're teenagers and adults--- spanking, if a guy treats us like shit he likes us, being made to hug/express other affection for adults when we don't want to, etc. No wonder so many of us are fucked up.


sapphiredragon April 21 2021, 16:59:40 UTC
Oof being made to hug/express affection for adults when we don't want to hits hard. I remember haaaating that as a kid.


ellaellaeheheh April 21 2021, 16:06:06 UTC
she is right and those that disagree should rethink it.


analievelyn April 21 2021, 16:06:06 UTC
I'm the only one in my big ass family that we never spanked and the whole process of it seems wild and sick.

Kids messes up. Then you tell them to undress (including underwear?????) and then you hit them and tell them they're bad...

How is that not abuse? In lieu of spanking, some parents are still emotionally abusive in response to misbehavior, but hitting kids has never made sense to me. Even tho it was all around me


syvlie0o0 April 21 2021, 16:08:16 UTC
Um, I think the undressing and removing your underwear part isn't really that common..........

(or maybe not idk, no one in my family did that shit)


analievelyn April 21 2021, 16:10:04 UTC
Ahh ok. Ty!! I hope so. It always disturbed me.

Sorry that happened to you.


syvlie0o0 April 21 2021, 16:17:24 UTC
Nothing happened to me, no one in my family ever spanked children. But I'm still assuming making your kid get naked to do it isn't normal.


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