Scott Rudin's fallout grows

Apr 19, 2021 10:37

Scott Rudin Fallout Intensifies With Sutton Foster Statement, Emotional Video From Late Assistant’s Twin
- Variety (@Variety) April 19, 2021

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film, scandal, legal / lawsuit

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Comments 38

anterrabre April 19 2021, 16:39:10 UTC
This is why I didn't bother to apply to certain jobs. In my field people tend to stay in place for at least a few years if not more, so if a certain position at a company is being advertised every few months that's pretty much a sign that either the boss or the environment is toxic as hell.


gloeden2 April 20 2021, 01:57:58 UTC
Yup. THIS.
If you can't hold on to an assistant for more than a few months, or, worse, have a "funny" rep for being a dictatorial tyrant, that's a problem. The other porblem is that generations of young people have been trained institutionally and through informal networks of colleagues, to see surviving such a boss as a mark of distinction and badge of honor. To have stories about being abused relentlessly but not quitting, is considered a goal. Like you made it. This is disordered thinking.


anterrabre April 20 2021, 02:26:31 UTC
Yup. Another giveaway is when during the interview you're asked a bunch of questions about how you deal with "difficult people within the organization" and it's NOT a customer facing position; they are referring to the people/person you'll be working with. TBH I'm very happy when I see people on this site talk about leaving toxic work environments in the Roundups because it seems like more and more people are job hopping and not tolerating that shit like the way we did.


rainstormraider April 19 2021, 16:48:13 UTC
NDAs cover acts of abuse? I thought they couldn’t apply to stuff that could be criminally charged.


catharsiskat April 19 2021, 17:02:33 UTC
You're correct but a lot of people don't realize that, unfortunately.


gloeden2 April 20 2021, 02:01:24 UTC
Your word against their word.
You break the NDA and then no one who may have witnessed it or knows about it supports your claims? Or, worse, nothing legal happens, no arrests, no charges, no trials? Then you get dragged into court for months to fight a penalty fine. Because that's what the NDAs have. And while it's commonly believed, I think, that such a penalty wouldn't stand up in court, you'd have to retain a lawyer and put your life on hold basically, to deal with civil case where the other side has their own lawyers on staff while you struggle to pay a retainer and hourly.
Edited to add: And if you lose, your on the hook for your lawyer, possibly court costs, THEIR lawyers, and, of course, face a lifetime of having your wages garnished and the loss of any assets you currently have, because those penalty fines are usually in the $1-2 million dollar range. That's assuming you even get to court and don't just have the penalty take effect after they get a summary judgement saying you're on the hook.


potatoehead25 April 19 2021, 19:42:27 UTC
here's hoping he faces some consecuences. It will all depend on how big his bank account still is


fromxthexdamage April 19 2021, 21:00:48 UTC
I worked on a project he was involved in and can confirm how insane the assistant turnover rate was and how impossible it was to get ahold of his office when you needed anything because you basically had to play detective to figure out who now had the position every few weeks/couple of months and get their email address because the company did emails by name not assistant@. His reputation was VERY well know. There was a vibe when you went to that office. It was eerily silent.


kliuv April 21 2021, 11:12:22 UTC
Scott is probably one horrible asshole and a complete bstard, but by boycotting all his films you are unfairy targetting many great actors and professionals that worled on these movies. Or you arew gonna use this horrible "guilty by association" tag?


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