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Comments 340

spoil April 18 2021, 20:44:20 UTC
Jesus christ shes such an entitled asshole and you just knooooow she genuinely thinks she’s advocating for people with eating disorders. How are people with certain allergies or ailments not factoring into her brain about this like??? The self absorption is astounding.


winx April 18 2021, 23:37:32 UTC
Her self absorption is compensating for my gut’s complete inability to absorb gluten and simple carbs


polynucleotide April 18 2021, 20:44:39 UTC
lmaooo shes unhinged.


marsdiamonds April 18 2021, 20:44:44 UTC
Did something else happen while she was ordering? Her comment sounded a bit excessive...


locksuperpower April 18 2021, 22:26:34 UTC
Right? I think she didn’t get the reaction she expected, so was doubling down. I get she’s been through a lot, but it doesn’t give her the right to treat people like this.


peachypearl April 18 2021, 20:45:20 UTC
I hate it when people make online claims where they are purposefully vague like 'So terrible, so rude, the entire experience was triggering'. Like what do you mean, what did the staff do to you that was so awful?

I can only imagine that nothing interesting happened which is why she cannot elaborate. I hope the store will survive tbh, they are also getting a lot of attention from people that are NOT on Demi her side. I have a lot of diabetics in my family, and other people with health issues where they have to avoid a lot of things. If I was located in that area I'd go and support them (Sadly not even in the same continent lol)


champagnemami April 18 2021, 20:46:05 UTC
Thankfully I read comments on the Instagram of the company and many of her fans are even saying Demi is wrong as hell.


distant_lines April 18 2021, 20:55:29 UTC
Or, if something did happen, was it because of something she did? As someone who worked in retail, the amount of times I got shit from customers for things they did was astounding. I literally got reported to a manager because a customer asked me a question about tipping a hair stylist, but she asked me while I was looking down, doing something else, so I had no idea she asked me. I thought she was working out the tip amount on her own. She never repeated the question when I looked back up, expressed any issue with me, anything, just asked for my name, then went to the manager and complained.


champagnemami April 18 2021, 20:58:16 UTC
I’m sure she didn’t have a great attitude if she came back so annoyed she had to post about it. But people serving you are supposed to be perfect even when you’re in a bad mood according to entitled assholes like Demi


champagnemami April 18 2021, 20:45:23 UTC
She’s as much as an asshole as Bieber with similar issues.


maidenhell April 18 2021, 21:42:16 UTC
In my observation, all of Scooter Braun's clients are.


yonkers April 19 2021, 03:16:25 UTC
leave carly rae out of this


belle_chouette April 20 2021, 00:00:48 UTC
That's why all her stuff flops, he doesn't know how to market people without mental health/substance abuse issues.


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