£2M bidding war to sign Jesy Nelson as a solo artist

Apr 17, 2021 18:47

Jesy Nelson 'at centre of £2m bidding war between labels' after Little Mix exithttps://t.co/w96vM7dL7h pic.twitter.com/FM6rYCDVM1
- Mirror Celeb (@MirrorCeleb) April 17, 2021
- Former member of Little Mix Jesy Nelson is at the center of a £2 million bidding war between music labels all vying to sign her as a solo artist ( Read more... )

little mix, music / musician (pop)

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Comments 115

odetothefool April 18 2021, 03:40:46 UTC
i can't lie i'm side-eying her a little. it's only been 4 months since she officially left. idk how reliable the mirror though.


likeiused2 April 18 2021, 03:50:26 UTC
What’s that British makeover show where everyone tans too much? Hot or Not? Just be white, it’s ok.


cityofships April 18 2021, 10:39:17 UTC
People here (UK and ireland) seem to think the darker you tan, the thinner you look. I mean it's true that a nice natural tan can create the illusion of being slightly more slim especially in the legs, but a lot of girls here seem to think that every shade darker they go equals a dress size or some shit.


likeiused2 April 18 2021, 18:01:04 UTC
we thought that in the US too for decades, but ultimately Jersey Shore shamed most everyone out of the tanning bed


burntxtoashes April 18 2021, 14:05:23 UTC
Snog Marry Avoid? Its not on anymore though. It was def a product of its time.


clymnestra April 18 2021, 04:03:44 UTC
As a long time LM fan, I have massive mixed feels. I support all four of them, but I can’t listen to any of them rn and don’t think I’ll be able to for a while :/


pwrpuffgrl April 18 2021, 13:10:07 UTC
Why? What happened


genbu_no_miko24 April 18 2021, 04:08:53 UTC
It must be a conflicting to want to have a music career but also put up with the relentless press.

This is somewhat similar to how everyone feels about Demi Lovato. These girls have been through the ringer with the media so you think staying away would be the best option. But like singing is their passion.

I wish her the best :|


ginainabottle April 18 2021, 06:43:03 UTC
I feel like "singing is their passion" is not it bc I'm pretty sure they have enough money to just sing & not be all up social media advertising themselves. They like and need the validation, and I don't mean that as a judgement bc it's absolutely ok to have that need but if they didn't, it'd be far easier to stay the fuck away from the internet in general, which they seem unable to.


cityofships April 18 2021, 10:42:05 UTC
Like I adore singing, it makes me feel happy and honestly I'm good at it, but I would NOT want a big media career even if I somehow got the opportunity?? Its too much stress.

Ideally tbh I'd like to be well known and appreciated in my own little country, do intimate gigs in the cities, get hired for big parties etc, and let that be it. I'd get to sing for a living and also see my family all the time and have relative anonymity.


3rdattemptuser April 18 2021, 13:01:26 UTC

I honestly think I'm a better singer than most of the kids that are famous nowadays (and I'm told as much by many so I know I'm not delusional lol)

Having said that, I would NEVER want to be famous though.


kiki3291 April 18 2021, 04:12:00 UTC
kinda expected her to take some years long break from the industry altogether tbh, but whatever makes her happy


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