Two white people sit down for an interview and talk racisim: Sharon Obsourne talks w/Bill Maher

Apr 17, 2021 10:43

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-Sharon Osbourne of 'The Talk' fame gave her first interview to Bill Maher since she "left" The Talk ( Read more... )

television - hbo, interview, race / racism, television

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Comments 67

madamezuzu April 17 2021, 16:24:08 UTC
how do they explain that diana, a boomer herself, ALSO had suicidal ideation like meghan. like it’s not a fucking generational thing. THE BRF SUCKS.


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missjersey April 17 2021, 17:37:59 UTC
I love Lilo & Stitch so much lol. Perfect summer movie and also always a mood


theoryofwar April 17 2021, 16:29:01 UTC
White people are the absolute last people I want to hear talking about racism. ffs.


sleepy_jaffa April 17 2021, 16:32:26 UTC
Ah, the two voices we all desperately wanted to hear on this subject. Finally!


insomniachobs April 17 2021, 16:32:30 UTC
It's not a generational thing. The whole British stiff upper lip thing is repressive, has always given people problems, and the older generation didn't handle it any better they just conformed to it more and kept the resulting shit behind closed doors. Younger people are growing up in a more connected world where people are breaking mental health stigmas, and they won't be shushed the same


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