Lizzo Drops Conscious TikTok

Apr 14, 2021 18:47

Lizzo says that she, along with others, are "working to dismantle a system that oppresses fat people."
- HotNewHipHop (@HotNewHipHop) April 14, 2021
Lizzo has made an effort to promote body positivity and stop people from fat-shaming others ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, fitness, lizzo

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Comments 232

youdontknowme April 14 2021, 18:57:38 UTC
y'all should listen to the podcast maintenance phase. it talks about health and wellness fads, diet culture, and fatphobia. it's so good.


futile_devices April 14 2021, 19:08:35 UTC
It’s so good! The Olestra episode cracked me up.


youdontknowme April 14 2021, 19:18:18 UTC
i haven't listened to that one yet but it's in my queue! every episode is so funny but also awful. aubrey and mike are real gems


blondebeaker April 15 2021, 01:03:24 UTC
I felt Micheal's pain when he had to do all that poop talk


doncheadle April 14 2021, 18:59:51 UTC
people who are so preachy about losing weight/how "gross" they were before (especially if they consider themselves formerly fat) are awful but I do worry about the body positive movement sometimes.

I think weight is super personal and everyone is deserving of dignity, regardless of how much they weigh. but body positive seems to have evolved away from that message and just feels defeatist/crabs in a bucket, with people coming after others for losing weight or trying to pressure others into being okay with gaining weight even if it feels uncomfortable. I was 230+ (I'm 5'5") at one point and it really wasn't great and no amount of being body positive made it feel better. I'm still not where I want to be but now taking walks etc aren't a complete chore.


celja April 14 2021, 19:05:14 UTC
Yeah I think body neutrality is the better way to go.


vintage_boom April 14 2021, 19:08:03 UTC
I agree but only if body neutrality includes fat acceptance and activism. I fear a push that no one talks about their bodies being good or bad anymore will put us right back into fat people not able to talk about the discrimination they face and prevent systemic change around anti-fat bias.


crystalzelda April 14 2021, 19:20:11 UTC
I tried going into body positive spaces when dealing with emotional eating and other weight related angst and it was suchhh a mistake bc it make things so much worse. Every post was like "oh don't feel guilty for eating so much, it's natural to be hungry and you should fuel your body! So have an entire cake to yourself if that's what you want, if you're craving it it's cause your body needs it" ummm yeah, no, no body "needs" to consume an entire cake in one sitting, I always felt horrible afterwards physically and the only solution given was "oh it's cause you feel guilty due to diet culture! free yourself from the shackles of restriction and accept urself!" NO Y'ALL I feel bad bc I just consumed 6000 calories of ultraprocessed carbs and sugar while completely sedentary! My pancreas is about to resign and move to Cabo!

I mean I'm not here pretending that health spaces are much better when their approach usually boilds down to "if you eat sugar you're a fucking disgrace, go for a run fatty". it all sucks.


timothyjames86 April 14 2021, 19:01:51 UTC

magnetic_rose92 April 14 2021, 19:09:05 UTC
I'm currently trying to lose weight right now (not like, a LOT of weight. I'm a size 14 and I'm trying to go back to 12) but I'm also trying to be okay with how I look currently and it can be hard, man. The fact that I'm Brazilian-American doesn't help because my Brazilian family is SO obsessed with like being skinny and looking good. If I do manage to lose weight I'm almost dreading the "omg you look so good!" comments. Like, that shit annoys me because all they've ever done was heckle me about my weight and I don't want them to think that my weight loss has anything to do with their mean comments. If anything, mean comments make me LESS likely to lose weight because it makes me depressed and when I'm depressed I can't muster the energy to exercise if that makes sense.


irajaxon April 14 2021, 20:17:57 UTC
i think your family is my family.

if i wear clothes that cover everything up in order to avoid any body comments, i get asked "why are you wearing that, it's so hot" nonstop. then after agonizing for days and deciding that maybe it is too hot, let me wear a skirt so i can feel a little more comfortable i got immediately hit with "wow, your legs have gotten fat, huh?". i could see it coming from a mile away and it still hurts like hell.


crystalzelda April 14 2021, 19:10:51 UTC
Discourse about weight is just toxic on both sides now. I don't engage with it at all. You have fatphobic people on one hand who really do treat people who are overweight like failures with 0 self control when really, that's so unfair and untrue and incredibly victim blamey, especially considering the state of nutrition these days. That being said, a crap ton of the body positive side is also extremely bullshit, peddles dangerous and unfounded lies like weight and health have no correlation whatsoever, that losing weight is literally impossible, that food and self care should be closely aligned (soooo many body positive sites have a "treat yo self, you want 12 donuts EAT 12 DONUTS! DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!" mentality, yeah cause binge eating is the true path to happiness, so how come my teenager years sucked tho). Honestly a bigger proponent of body and food neutrality rather than positivity these days ( ... )


sassi214 April 14 2021, 19:43:07 UTC
Never once been in a body positive space that said "eat 12 donuts, do what makes you happy".
Is this hyperbole?


crystalzelda April 14 2021, 19:58:01 UTC
No, it's verbatim. I think the instagram post referred to a box of donuts - I think I saw it a couple of years ago? It had a drawing/icon of a box of 12 donuts and iirc the caption was like "eat the damn donuts" and went into how if you have a hard day, eating just one donut was restrictive and counter intuitive, and would make you eat more so the post was basically like "so just treat yourself to a box of donuts cause it's so much better for you to just satisfy your cravings, if you don't you'll binge even more down the line, make urself happy!". I remember it clearly cause it was so off the wall, but it had thousands of likes and ton of comments of support, so it's not even some fringe account with 12 followers.


biosphear April 14 2021, 20:14:09 UTC
when i started losing weight people told me stuff like that frequently especially from overweight/obese people and I think it just comes from a place of wanting to validate themselves


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