Girls Aloud have secret reunion + Cheryl writes a chapter for Sarah's book

Mar 18, 2021 01:26

‘Sarah's been on my brain every waking hour,' says Cheryl Cole as they reveal what happened at a secret Girls Aloud reunion after Sarah Hardings's cancer diagnosis.
- British GLAMOUR (@GlamourMagUK) March 15, 2021
Sarah Harding has revealed that Girls Aloud had a secret reunion this summer, marking the first time all the girls ( Read more... )

cheryl cole, books / authors, british celebrities, health problems, girls aloud

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Comments 79

somebellend March 18 2021, 00:38:57 UTC
I had no idea this was happening to Sarah. I always had a soft spot for her, she was made fun of so much for "partying hard" (AKA having a fucking problem, maybe some empathy would help, but you do you, tabloids) and this is just ... crushing.

Girls Aloud were my early to late teens all the way and they're still my favourite girl band. Gutted I lost touch enough to miss this.

ilu Sarah :*


ahkna March 18 2021, 01:08:40 UTC
It was really clear on CBB how very much her drinking and partying came from deep-seated issues. I just want to take care of her.


somebellend March 18 2021, 01:17:09 UTC
Agreed. Girl was struggling hard and all people cared about was laughing at her "antics".

UK tabloids are next-level when it comes to cruelty in general, imo.

There's more difficult cases for me like Kerry Katona (who put her children at risk and unlike in Britney's case seemed to give few shits) and Caroline Flack (who preyed on a 17-y/o at 32 - don't anyone come for me with that "16 is legal!" shit - and was a domestic abuser), but despite their many genuinely despicable acts were targeted not so much for those things as the fact that they were women. People just used their actions to justify bile spewed about their looks + rape and death threats.


ahkna March 18 2021, 11:52:07 UTC
I actually do feel a lot for Kerry and Caroline, even with their messiness, because both have/had such severe mental health issues which I think adds a whole extra level of cruelty onto tabloid celebrity.

Obvs that doesn't excuse dating a kid, but from what I've read (and I don't purport to be an expert on it so don't call me out) the domestic violence it seems to have been a mental health episode. What she needed was counselling and maybe even medication, for there to be room for her victim to get justice and for her to get better. The tabloids really latched onto the salaciousness of the whole incident with such glee. They really do encourage people to bring out the worst in themselves. When the subject of any ire is a woman, there is just always MORE - more misogyny, more hatred.


sh3l8y March 18 2021, 00:41:53 UTC
This is so upsetting.

I'm glad they put aside the drama or whatever to reunite and be there for her.

GA's breakup was as rough for me as when Geri left the Spice Girls. GA is truly an iconic group and a lot of their music still sounds fresh today.


moheetoe March 18 2021, 00:56:44 UTC
My queens 😭😭😭
I miss them so much, I think I got into Kpop because of them and the lack of girl groups.
Im bummed I was never able to see them live :(
And my bb Sarah I am devastated for her, but Im glad the girls are there to support her

Whats y’all favorite GA track?
It’s Magic it’s my favorite one (Nic was always my fave)


juanitatequila March 18 2021, 01:02:50 UTC
Singapore is my fave song by them!!!!


moheetoe March 18 2021, 01:10:06 UTC
Omg that’s another one of my faves and I’m gutted it’s not on Apple Music (love the Nic bridge)


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lowlighter March 18 2021, 01:09:46 UTC
I'm glad they could put aside whatever went on with them to reunite. I hope Sarah's doctors are wrong and she'll have lots of good, happy times left for a good long time.

Cancer is such a bitch. I wish there were better treatment options and cures for's just so awful.


toshi_hakari March 18 2021, 09:03:32 UTC
I wish there were better treatment options and cures for cancer

The thing is that the treatment options and potential cures are there but it's very dependent on the stage of the cancer (has it spread or not) and the biology of the tumor. Some tumors respond to chemo very well, some not so much. That's the shitty thing about it :(


lowlighter March 18 2021, 10:55:16 UTC
Oh I know, trust me. Lost both my parents and other family members to it. I just meant in general I wish treatments and cures were better.


toshi_hakari March 18 2021, 10:58:02 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss :( Yeah, true... I read that there's currently the attempt to creat an RNA "vaccine" that should help the immune system to detect cancer and defeat it but it's so difficult since each person is different... I just hope that one day there will be a cure even for more advanced cases...


wonky March 18 2021, 01:48:54 UTC
I was just thinking about them as a group the other day. I've been listening to a lot of GA a lot lately, I love their music so much. I'm really happy they seem to have been able to put aside their differences, whatever they may be, in order to support Sarah to some extent. I didn't know her diagnosis was so severe though, wow. That's absolutely devastating.


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