Jameela Jamil Inserts Herself into the Meghan/Harry vs Royals Scandal

Mar 07, 2021 02:33

So, Jameela has some thoughts on the Meghan/Harry scandal.

First, she trashed the royals for bashing Meghan in the media:

IF THIS IS WHAT THE ROYAL FAMILY IS COMFORTABLE DOING TO A HEAVILY PREGNANT WOMAN PUBLICLY.... can we even IMAGINE what they put her through privately? They seem terrified. Her interview hasn’t even aired yet. What are they ( Read more... )

jameela jamil, royalty / royal family

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Comments 154

kimda March 7 2021, 09:07:12 UTC
He was our fucking what


GURL, THE COMMENTS!!! LMAOOOO ljtryout March 7 2021, 09:07:42 UTC
Re: GURL, THE COMMENTS!!! LMAOOOO kimda March 7 2021, 09:10:40 UTC
EWWWW LMAO my god the lack of shame


Re: GURL, THE COMMENTS!!! LMAOOOO kimda March 7 2021, 09:13:13 UTC
It's truly the "dick in my mouth" comment that's killing me


jumelles_mach6 March 7 2021, 09:12:13 UTC
I really hope there is gonna be a watch along post for this interview lol. The way every single bit of news on this has been on ontd and the interview isn't even out yet lmao


benihime99 March 7 2021, 09:23:00 UTC
Thank god she has an opinion on this
we were all incapable of forming one without her guidance


therearewords March 7 2021, 12:08:36 UTC
Our guiding light.


illusoryghost March 7 2021, 09:54:04 UTC
Ugh, I hate how Harry always gets a pass from people.

Even people who are anti-monarchy have a soft spot for him and I just don’t get it?!

Unless you’re a racist fuckboy who was born with a silver spoon in your mouth, he is not ~relatable in the slightest.


lozbabie March 7 2021, 10:44:26 UTC
Because his mother died young.

While blasting William who apparently didn’t experience the same.


illusoryghost March 7 2021, 12:49:22 UTC
Yeah I think it’s easy for people to believe that Diana’s death affected Harry more than William based purely on appearances (William being seemingly stoic unlike Harry) but that really doesn’t mean it is true.

We all deal with grief and trauma differently.


aleksie March 7 2021, 14:36:08 UTC
The erasure of William in Diana's death always bothers me. I'm not a stan of the royals, but I think it's well-known William loved and was close to Diana.


calandrinon March 7 2021, 10:01:57 UTC
I'm team shut up and go away. Can this interview air already so we can go through the news cycle and all these dumb celebs can "defend X" on Twitter and we can finally stop talking about it? Literally nothing is going to change. H&M will only say vague shit and not really address the racism and covering up pedo Andrew, the BRF and their minions and the press will continue to be awful and all of them collectively will continue to be filthy rich for doing nothing. Meh.


dragonheart97 March 7 2021, 20:24:17 UTC
I'm also willing to bet money on the fact that the most newsworthy bits of this interview have been discussed already and the whole thing will not be as explosive as people are hoping it will be.


recognitions March 8 2021, 09:55:58 UTC
This thread didn't age well


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