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Comments 16

peddlestools March 4 2021, 21:58:22 UTC
First movie reminds me of kedi

The turkish people have a very interesting relationship with street cats. 9/10 a cute viral cat video is from turkey i s2g


bangorilla March 5 2021, 00:04:58 UTC
I've met some wonderful ppl in Turkey who visit the parks every single day and leave food for the cats and dogs. they weren't only feeding them, they actually groomed them too, brushed their fur etc. these ppl go to the nearby butchers to get some meat for free or buy some, it's amazing how devoted they are.
then there are assholes who fight you bc you leave food bowls in front of the house and destroy the shelters that have been put up for the strays - I've only seen them in the news, thankfully I've never encountered them.


vandthemoon March 4 2021, 22:17:11 UTC
Omgosh the puppies!! Moxie looks cute. Sophie Jones looks good, I think. I stopped watching the trailers after that but a couple more of them sound good.

I watched Una last night and the acting was great but otherwise, I did not like it.


jirppah March 5 2021, 00:08:39 UTC
I watched Moxie on wednesday and enjoyed it.


frau_stripes March 5 2021, 00:35:08 UTC
my favorite (temporarily shut down) theater emailed me about the stray documentary and i will definitely be streaming it asap. i've often wondered about the lives of the strays that just sort of live in a city and are taken care of by the locals.

lol at the trailer for the canyonlands! the villain looks just like this dude from cannibal! the musical..

... )


honeebs March 5 2021, 00:35:34 UTC
Boogie, yeah on that bull in theaters crap.


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