Alec Baldwin To Star In Action Film ‘Supercell’

Mar 03, 2021 00:05

Alec Baldwin To Star In Action Film ‘Supercell’ From Short Porch Pictures - EFM
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) March 2, 2021

- Directed by Herbert James Winterstern, Alec Baldwin has been set to star in Supercell, an action film

-According to Deadline, Supercell "centers on William, a good-hearted teenager who always ( Read more... )

alec baldwin

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Comments 35

doriiansz March 3 2021, 15:17:09 UTC
This guy plays the same fucking type in every thing he's in. I'm tired of his old ass.


little_giant March 3 2021, 15:27:43 UTC
I assumed he would be playing "homeless guy pushing trolley who almost gets run over during car chase scene"


livejournal March 3 2021, 15:29:03 UTC
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missjersey March 3 2021, 15:30:35 UTC
I've read the synopsis 3 times and I still don't understand what the "tourist attraction" is. The tornado??


bellwetherr March 3 2021, 15:34:35 UTC
the only good storm fighter movie is twister thanks


squirrels_oh_no March 3 2021, 18:33:09 UTC
In which the main male character was named Bill.


bellwetherr March 3 2021, 18:37:04 UTC
love bill


squirrels_oh_no March 3 2021, 18:38:49 UTC
This movie sounds like some AU Twister fanfic because you know Jonas would be Zane if he hadn't gotten his ass handed to him by the twister.


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