Psychiatrist Breaks Down Mental Health Scenes From Movies & TV | GQ

Feb 17, 2021 21:28

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Psychiatrist Eric Bender breaks down mental health scenes from movies and TV, including 'Joker,' 'The Undoing,' 'BoJack Horseman,' 'Rain Man,' 'As Good as it Gets,' 'Girl Interrupted,' 'Inside Out,' 'Lars and the Real Girl,' 'Silver Linings Playbook' and 'A Beautiful Mind.'


film, bojack horseman (netflix), television

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Comments 72

analievelyn February 17 2021, 22:46:19 UTC
I don't want to watch bc of spoilers, but if the stuff included, what's worth watching?

Saw a beautiful mind a while back and liked it.


reciprokates February 17 2021, 22:46:49 UTC
Missing adult ADHD - but are there even movie depictions of it?


sirlolsworthy February 17 2021, 22:57:51 UTC
nothing pointed that comes to my mind, which is a shame. There's so many adults out there with ADHD that don't know - I'm only now getting formally assessed at the age of 39 cuz being a gifted child meant I was able to skate through school without paying too much attention, I wasn't hyperactive (more inattentive type) and the hyperfocus stuff on things i was interested in (like science) meant my grades were good enough on the whole that no-one noticed I wasn't quite right in the head.


reciprokates February 17 2021, 23:06:19 UTC
I got my diagnoses 2 years ago at the age of 35. I was also gifted, almost didn't finish my master thesis (everything after the initial research just wasn't interesting enough), but at that time they gave me the typical misdiagnosises for women. I'm the combined type with hyperactivity that manifests more with inner unrest and less with actual movement.


er1s February 17 2021, 23:27:45 UTC
Hi, I think I also have adhd.
what do you mean inner unrest? I didn't know that was part of the symptoms


ladychips February 17 2021, 22:52:56 UTC
i know a lot of people here hate silver linings playbook, but bradley coopers char resonated so hard with me. when hes having his manic episode in his parents room, gah. shades of my real life.


sirlolsworthy February 17 2021, 22:54:17 UTC
oh yeah I was internally cringing watching those parts at the start, having bipolar myself - he really nailed it.


ohifonly_x February 17 2021, 22:57:46 UTC
Thank you for reminding me of this scene


wormsinthedirt February 17 2021, 23:04:41 UTC
Silver Linings Playbook is one of my favorite movies! I thought it did a pretty good job at portraying various mental illnesses, and I love that it's a comedy instead of something depressing. Love that movie so much. I have OCD and personally relate to DeNiro's character the most lol.

Also I LOVE that scene in the diner when she realizes, "oh, you think I'M the crazy one." I've been in that position so many times lmao.


devopet February 17 2021, 23:00:48 UTC
I do wish more depictions of depression showed the in between parts as a way to help normalize it. I feel depression is always depicted as never leaving your bed which is very accurate for some but there is also the type that makes you just go through the motions of life and just makes everything harder while you put up a good front.

Like I took a few days off this week just so I could sit around and be sad in peace without having to plow through work - but I wasn't crying or sleeping all day just stuck in my feelings. I feel I never see those milder expressions on TV? I dont like I said I'm stuck in my feelings today.


curdlesnoots February 18 2021, 05:03:30 UTC
Yes, media is very fixated on episodic major depression where a character (usually a teen or early 20 something) hits rock bottom and either “snaps out of it” themselves or goes to hospital/psychiatrist/therapist, swallows a standard SSRI and they’re all good. Rarely do they depict long-term anhedonia or comorbidity with other mental illnesses, treatment resistance etc ( ... )


electric_lemur February 18 2021, 15:52:54 UTC
Yeah, the days where you just kinda sit and stare and don’t do anything, you’re just stuck. I’ve had a lot of those lately.


stephaniebrown February 17 2021, 23:04:42 UTC
i like the video. bojack does such a good job wrt mental illness, and susanna in girl, interrupted hits so goddamn close to home its scary.

i have therapy tomorrow. i gotta tell her that my life has gone to shit and ive relapsed with my sh. which means my gp will probably be alerted. yay 🤐


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