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Comments 84

doriiansz January 4 2021, 17:36:53 UTC
Stay home. Stay safe. Don't be an asshole. Vaccinate.


futile_devices January 4 2021, 17:38:11 UTC
She’s gorgeous but dumb as hell


goldenhera January 4 2021, 17:38:47 UTC
A short cut would definitely work on her but not this one and not this color.


dua_lipa January 4 2021, 17:42:24 UTC
the cover is bland & her covid behaviour makes me hate my username lmao


kjesta January 4 2021, 18:46:28 UTC
Can u change it?


lanrek January 4 2021, 19:01:14 UTC
nooo keep it and make it a parody account


uncledeshawnali January 4 2021, 17:43:05 UTC
For a second I thought she was wearing a jumpsuit and her leg was some kind of beam she was straddling lol. This cover seems weird in general, there is nothing really reflecting Dua about it, and the short hair makes her less recognizable (which may be less of an issue in the UK as she's more famous there). Just odd choices across the board.


warwarwar January 4 2021, 17:56:08 UTC
Can’t unsee that beam now lol


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