Journalists talk about their weirdest movie junket experiences

Jan 02, 2021 19:31

Reese Witherspoon & Sofia Vergara for Hot Pursuit - they had an “interesting” chemistry

We played a Newlywed-style game with whiteboards & Reese made a totally playful joke at Sofia’s expense. Sofia then asked if she could draw Reese and drew her spread eagle and naked ☠️
- Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) January 2, 2021
A ( Read more... )

sofia vergara, charlie sheen, angelina jolie, james mcavoy, actor / actress, reese witherspoon

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Comments 178

izzzzy23 January 2 2021, 19:49:09 UTC
I've loved all these stories. Giving me my celeb gossip fix with DeuxMoi having gone way downhill


handsdowntoo January 2 2021, 19:51:34 UTC
Its like a fan club now. Nothing juicy and people just saying how kind so and so was when they met them 10 years ago on the street.


dua_lipa January 2 2021, 20:04:11 UTC
yeah i began following deuxmoi to see what the hype was about but it's just so boring these days

btw is that hector bellerin in your icon? 👀


izzzzy23 January 2 2021, 20:15:41 UTC
it sure is! my fave


ritaamber January 2 2021, 19:49:40 UTC
Maybe sharing someones PTSD triggers and reactions isn't the way to get retweets and attention.


frejasface January 2 2021, 20:59:58 UTC
still, the dude grabbed someone and locked them in a hotel room.


veggie January 2 2021, 21:25:10 UTC
tom sizemore is a drug addict with a history of abusing his romantic partners + there have been allegations of him sexually abusing a child costar. i really doubt this was a PTSD episode; it's more likely this was a result of a drug binge or long-term drug use (meth fucks you up). that said, as a person with PTSD, i do think it's classless of somebody to reference it as PTSD-related for clout


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kobewife1 January 2 2021, 19:51:39 UTC

not saying who because i adore this person, but a star needed to use the loo before my junket slot & didn’t realize they still had a hot mic on when they went

we’re all waiting to start & all of a sudden fart noises start coming out through the headphones in our room💀
- Laura Kramer (@Laura_Kramer) January 2, 2021

Oh man, so many but Chris Pine once had a pizza delivered to the room, halfway through my junket slot for the first Star Trek. He then shared it with me and Zachary Quinto.
- Andy Gibbons (@andyffgibbons) January 2, 2021


meganlynn09 January 2 2021, 19:55:58 UTC
Nightmare scenario with the first one omg


thebadunkadunk January 2 2021, 19:59:39 UTC
I could see the first scenario happening to me


mhfromnh January 2 2021, 20:00:44 UTC
Chris Pine is a solid dude


therearewords January 2 2021, 19:52:12 UTC
Glad James continues to not disappoint me.


weighty_ghost January 2 2021, 19:53:17 UTC
alright ONTD, get your investigative hats on. Who is the person who is pissed about their last name?


teenageriot16 January 2 2021, 20:12:19 UTC
I'm guessing it's a DC movie, I think it might be Jeremy Irons because he is miserable as sin, and I could see someone maybe saying his surname as Iron.

The movie would be for Justice League.

Apart from Michael Caine I can't think of many other older actors that have been in DC movies.


weighty_ghost January 2 2021, 20:29:28 UTC
yeah the part that is getting me is older (so older than the rest of the cast) but lesser known... i cant think of an older actor who would have done the rounds with Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight, etc. So maybe that narrows it down to a comic movie. But i also feel like the older actors are the well known ones.


megalixer January 2 2021, 21:49:47 UTC
Ooo irons is a good guess. I could see him pulling an “I HAVE an OSCAR you uncultured pissants” rant super easily.


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