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Comments 99

trumpydoesmagic December 4 2020, 20:20:35 UTC

... )


toshi_hakari December 4 2020, 20:20:43 UTC
I'm happy tbh :D Can't wait to see the rest of the cast. Hopefully they can do the game justice.


toxic_illusion December 4 2020, 20:22:02 UTC
Will they also give us Raiden and if so will he be in the nude.


toshi_hakari December 4 2020, 20:26:20 UTC
I doubt it since the movie is supposed to only cover the first game. But I'm curious to see their casting choices for Liquid, Otacon, Ocelot and Grey Fox.


toxic_illusion December 4 2020, 20:40:34 UTC
no naked Raiden, no toxic_illusion


toshi_hakari December 4 2020, 20:49:04 UTC
But hey, if the first one is successful enough, we might get naked Raiden after all! ;)


vaels December 4 2020, 20:22:50 UTC
"Sources say the writers are working on making plot comprehensible to human beings."



melispurple December 4 2020, 22:04:53 UTC
That line had me cackling!


megalixer December 4 2020, 20:24:29 UTC
Sources say the writers are working on making plot comprehensible to human beings.

the way I CACKLED lol… lmaooo I can't wait to see whoever they cast as Liquid have to give the "dominant vs. recessive genes bRoThErrrrrr" spiels with a straight face let alone if they get to the rest of the series.

ETA: unless they social network this and make oscar play both parts in which case this will at least be a camp masterpiece

but love oscar and love metal gear, so I want to believe that this can be good lmao


disgruntledyawn December 5 2020, 06:38:25 UTC
Put Oscar in a blond wig while keeping him shirtless and it's perfect


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