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Comments 92

polynucleotide November 30 2020, 23:14:02 UTC
i.... did not like this. completely predictable plot and no different than any other rom-com.


fromyourashes November 30 2020, 23:15:28 UTC
i fell asleep twice watching it but i actually really enjoyed it. i like looking at kstew's face, forgive me. and dan levy is just a perpetual fave. didn't love the woman playing kstew's girlfriend, and i needed more audrey plaza, but it was cute (and i'm definitely not a lifetime/hallmark movie type of person).


onyxobsidian November 30 2020, 23:15:32 UTC
This movie was super cute, but I can't imagine writing this script and saying "Kristin Stewart would be perfect!" Her cardboard expressionlessness is insanely evident in this movie. There's some scenes where her face should clearly be lit up and I absolutely cannot see her actually making a bright eyed expression. She's fine for some roles but she is no real actress.


bluestoplights November 30 2020, 23:16:35 UTC
aubrey plaza and kristen stewart should have ended up together, i'll die on this hill


onyxobsidian November 30 2020, 23:17:25 UTC
Agree, and Yorkie can go back to San Junipero to be with Kelly.


greasetastic_x November 30 2020, 23:20:20 UTC
agreeeeeeeeeeee. the scene with them in the bar was cute


fromyourashes November 30 2020, 23:23:19 UTC
they had sooooooo much more chemistry than anyone did with the other one


rawr_santi November 30 2020, 23:19:40 UTC
aubrey and kristen need to do a movie or series and play a couple immediately.

the lady who played the gf was a void in every single respect.


bluestoplights November 30 2020, 23:22:04 UTC
mackenzie davis can be so charming (san junipero!) but harper in this movie was just......oof. she acted like a complete asshole to abby, at the end i wasn't even rooting for them.


rawr_santi November 30 2020, 23:31:13 UTC
that's what she's from! okay, i knew i knew her from something but honestly i didn't care enough to google her.

there's a lot i identified with harper over (i'm also in the closet to my parents & most of my family but i'm out to my brother) but she was just enraging. she was just so inconsiderate to abby's feelings. the scene in the bedroom the morning after the bar almost made me turn it off.


bluestoplights November 30 2020, 23:34:31 UTC
i think there was definitely a way to make the situation alone frustrating for abby without making harper into someone so cartoonishly mean and oblivious, they just really missed the mark there... what purpose did it serve? also what harper did to riley was so fucked up i couldn't get past that, either!


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