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Comments 25

iznanassi November 19 2020, 19:40:33 UTC
Does the Hearts and Bones guy eat the baby to retain his youth


ritaamber November 19 2020, 19:41:14 UTC
I have a mighty need for Promosing Young Woman. But tbh i have a mighty need for any new content. Thank you for the great post op, I'm watching all the trailers on my lunch break!


dnttllhrry November 19 2020, 22:32:16 UTC
When is that film coming out? I swear I've been hearing about it since the beginning of the year.


scriptedending November 19 2020, 22:32:51 UTC


therearewords November 19 2020, 19:43:51 UTC
Your Woman Woman error made me chuckle. Last film I watched was Edge of Seventeen and whew did that one hit close to home. I was that lost brat.


scriptedending November 19 2020, 20:02:42 UTC
lol, thank you for pointing that out so I could fix it - I swear, I do proofread, but I still somehow manage to fuck something up in every post.

Edge of Seventeen has been on my list for a while, but I know it's gonna make me cry so I keep pushing it off.


therearewords November 19 2020, 20:19:55 UTC
I so needed to hug and simultaneously slap her, I was really surprised. American teen films are so often so plastic.


scriptedending November 19 2020, 19:47:04 UTC
I'm so excited for the Small Axe series!! Kind of glad they're stretching it over the next few weeks - I like having something to look forward to rather than it all dropping at once. And I know it's technically "TV" and not films, but whatever.

I've been on a real Hitchcock tear as of late. We watched Rope and Psycho last week, both of which I enjoyed, and then watched Vertigo a couple days ago. I'd seen parts of Vertigo in film classes that analyzed the color symbolism, but had never sat down and watched it all the way through before. I thought it was pretty good; not one of my faves of his, though I appreciated it more after I read some analysis afterward.

We started watching The West Wing the other day. My husband had watched it with his parents while it was airing and has fond memories, and I'd never seen a single episode, so that's been interesting. They made a joke about what the secret service would do in a coup attempt, and I had to pause to laugh for like a minute straight because what was clearly supposed to be a joke in ( ... )


thisjoanissima November 19 2020, 22:06:12 UTC
I just finished watching The West Wing for the first time. It's very bingeable.


scriptedending November 19 2020, 22:08:26 UTC
yeah, we've only watched a few eps so far but I definitely got that vibe! Is there a point where it's not worth watching anymore, or is it decent through the end?


thisjoanissima November 19 2020, 22:29:00 UTC
Well Sorkin leaves at some point (spoiler?!) and I understand not everyone loves those post-Sorkin years but I did enjoy it through the end.


forestofthedead November 19 2020, 19:54:32 UTC
I haven't been watching many movies recently but I saw Romeo Must Die a few days ago and really enjoyed it. Jet Li looks hot in it, and it makes me want to watch everything else he did around that time.


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