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Comments 84

darklitplanet October 15 2020, 19:46:56 UTC
i hope this poor boy can find some positive influences re: masculinity and sexuality somewhere bc he won't be finding it with his parents, sadly. joining the ranks of people relieved it's not a girl, though.


dandyxwarhol October 15 2020, 19:48:58 UTC
I feel like non-handwritten notes are tacky af.


bakemonos October 15 2020, 19:53:22 UTC


mangosmuggler October 15 2020, 19:54:24 UTC
yeah cuz they obviously just had their assistant type and print out something generic instead of taking literally 30 seconds to pick up a pen and write a few sentences


dandyxwarhol October 15 2020, 19:56:29 UTC
It's weird how some of them are the exact same font and style. Makes me think it's like the notes that come with an Amazon gift, not even the assistant typing it out and printing!


wirepatch October 15 2020, 19:53:48 UTC
omg the print-out of that absolutely NOTHING note from kim & kanye... dying


la_petite_singe October 15 2020, 20:02:42 UTC
lmao seriously

... )


dandyxwarhol October 15 2020, 20:04:12 UTC
Was literally just looking for this to post


la_petite_singe October 15 2020, 19:53:51 UTC
Don't listen to anything your dad teaches you, sonny boy!


shayme October 15 2020, 19:56:03 UTC
Or mother that hates black women and is colorist as fuck.


la_petite_singe October 15 2020, 20:04:06 UTC
I mean, I was thinking specifically of his insane toxic masculinity bullshit, but yes, her rapist-supporting ass too.


shayme October 15 2020, 20:34:58 UTC
Raising a black man to hate black women is an issue


shayme October 15 2020, 19:55:33 UTC
It is not good that this is a boy. People need to stop being "grateful" that it's not a girl. That's fucked up to the shitty life this boy is bound to have. I mean, how can his parents tell him that rape, murder, or pedophilia is wrong when...


sandstorm October 15 2020, 20:07:33 UTC
"Rape, murder, and pedophilia is wrong, now it's time for father son time with your dad and uncle Tekashi69."


damaliaraya October 15 2020, 20:17:09 UTC
Yes! Why are we content with some poor innocent boy being raised I this toxic atmosphere, so he can then go and potentially harm god only knows how many women?? Both options are fucking awful and sad.


backwardsjoker October 15 2020, 20:45:32 UTC
Yeah, I understand the reasoning, but I wish people wouldn't say their happy she had a boy. Best case scenario she wouldn't have reproduced with that rapist/murderer AT ALL, but just because it is a boy (especially a Black boy), doesn't mean he doesn't need the same kind of love, care, and protection.


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